I've just started bottle feeding after exclusively BF for 2 months and DP and I are at loggerheads as to how much food to give our son.
When I first introduced the bottle, I had no way of knowing how much Jacob took at each feed so I made up 8oz (he was 8 weeks) which I know was too much but I wanted him to have as much as he wanted so I knew how much he'd take, if you see what I mean! Well, he scoffed the lot. So next feed I made up 8oz and he scoffed it all, so I just carried on making up 8oz feeds.
I know its common with bottle fed babies, but Jacob started to sick up a little bit of food. I'm not worried as I know that a lot of babies posset after meals and it seemed to be mainly dribble to me (I think he's starting to teeth) but DP became convinced that he's vomiting rather than possetting and thinks I'm overfeeding him.
I'm really conscious of making DP feel like his voice is heard so agreed to reduce Jacob's feeds to 6oz which is what it says on the tin for a 2 month old.
Problem is, Jacobs gone from sleeping from 8pm to 6am with a dreamfeed at about 11.30, to waking at 4.30 screaming for food. I see this as a direct result of reducing his intake during the day. DP disagrees.
This morning he woke at 3am but went back to sleep once I'd put the dummy in, then he woke at 4.30 and needed food. I gave him 6oz at 4.30, then another 4 (what was left of the carton) at 7am he was still desperate for food at 10.30am and took 9oz and he's now had 8oz at 2pm!
Problem is, DP thinks I'm trying to prove him wrong and I'm teaching our son to overeat and so he will end up being an obese child. But when DP is working he does nothing around the house at all, and takes no responsibility for hte care of Jacob (I'm cool with this as he works shifts and often does 60 hour weeks then has a week off, where we split childcare and housework 50:50) At the moment he's on nights so I'm left getting up a couple of times in the night to see to Jake and I'm exhausted.
Please someone tell me its not possible to overfeed a baby? Surely if Jake didn't need the food he'd just not take it. I feel like by reducing his feeds I've gone back a step from having a baby who slept through (almost) to a baby who wakes a couple of times a night and needs a nightfeed.
My only worry is that he's still young (10 weeks) and so could be going through a growth spurt and so by overfeeding him DP is right and I AM making him ill or fat or something.
His weight gain is ok, if a little on the low side, so I dont think this is the case, but I just need a little reassurance as I've had doubts planted in my mind now!
Also, any suggestions to get him to sleep longer would be greatly appreciated - have tried hungry baby formula with no results!
Many thanks in advance
Amy x