My DD is a sporadic napper. She takes naps frequently, but who knows how long they will be. Consequently, sometimes when she wakes up, she's not ready to eat. Then, if we play, etc., we end up feeding before a nap. I don't want to create a terrible habit so what should I do? Here's a scenario that happened today, she didn't want to eat when she woke from her nap at 12:30pm. So we played, changed diaper, etc. Tried 2x to feed her and she barely took any. Her nap had only been a little under an hour, so at 1:30pm I tried to put her for a nap. We struggled and I finally gave up at 2pm and came downstairs because I thought maybe she was hungry after all. Then, she wolfed down 3 oz. So I changed her diaper, swaddled her up and she started to act like she wanted more. So I kept her swaddled and fed her, and then put her to bed at 2:30PM. Was this horrible? She'd been up so long and I'd already changed her diaper, that I just let her sleep. She's been asleep for 2 hours now. I hope she doesn't think it's nighttime! Ahh!! I'm going to wake her up her in a few minutes. How much bad parenting did I do?