I can't believe people accusing a mother of over feeding... I get comments like you really should feed that baby, or if I say he is due for a feed... oh he really looks like a hungry baby. I used to stress about Aiden being over weight... Aiden was 7.9kg at 3 months but only 64cm tall & was 10.5kg at 6 months, but was still that at 10 month. He is big now, but not huge... one would say solid & as he takes after my dad, that is to be expected!
Anyway I kept getting told babies are great at self regulation & don't over feed, but that may only be related bf, but I can't really see that their could be a great distinction.
All I know is I am really good about eating & drinking heaps (including too much chocolate) while bf & if Liam can be big on 5/6 feeds a day that last 5-10mins in time, then that must be how mother nature intended...Liam was 7.7kg last week (2.5 months), but he is also 68cm tall.
I was saying to Nicole, that wouldn't it be great for mums to have a full on 1/2 of day of help every 3 months, there are so many things that we muddle our way through & a bit of guidance could make life so much easier. I guess this is part of the demise of the global village, not being able to be taught by our mothers & community, which is why I love BW so much
BTW Nicole was great cost me $120 & she stayed 4.5 hours ( I think I got a longer visit as we sort of hit it off when I used to see her in the clinic), so I think I might endulge myself of her services again if I have any 'issues' with Liam further down the track.
He biggest push was I will cope better with my toddler if I actually take some me time... I got told off for the fact I have had only had 10mins of Kate time since Liam was born! & I do know it is an issue, but well a million excuses! At least I get my 5 mins of BW time periodically through the day, when I sneak away from Aiden!!!