Author Topic: Ready to start sleep Training w 11mo old. Need some advise!!  (Read 1125 times)

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Ready to start sleep Training w 11mo old. Need some advise!!
« on: August 29, 2005, 21:41:27 pm »
Hello All,

I'm calling on the sisterhood to help me out here. I've read the Whisperer for Toddlers and I think I'm ready to start sleep training Delaney. First off she is 11mo Textbook who has never gone to sleep for naps or bedtime or middle of night w/out my boob. I'm ready to change this.

In the book, Tracy says to start with the nap. So I'm supposed to nurse her until she's just about ready to doze off, then I release the latch and let her fall asleep on her own. OK so I'm doing this and it really sucks by the way because Delaney is such a happy baby and I'm not used to hearing her cry the way she is with this. First of all, do I let her cry in my arms or do I put the boob back in her mouth right away??? Tracy says to do this for 15mins and then take her out of the room for 20mins. Is that 15mins from the first time she cries? I can eat up a whole slew of 15mins that way. But if that's the way it's supposed to be, I'm committed to it.

Now we're not ready to tackle the pu/pd at night yet so I just want to master the naps first. Next question. Should I be nursing her to sleep at bedtime and the middle of the night or am I supposed to be doing the same as at naptime. The reason I ask is that i want to "Start as I mean to go on" so I don't want to confuse her or myself for that matter. So if I only train her at the nap times for now, will that just confuse the whole thing or is that the way it's supposed to go?

Next week, we're leaving for a road trip and expect to be gone about 10 days. I planned to continue the nap training and hopefully have it down by the time we get back so we can start the pu/pd at night.

I want to get this right so badly but I just need a little fine-tuning on the specifics.

Also, should I buy the latest book "Whisperer Solves All Your Problems" or do you think I have enough info from the other 2 books???

Thx so much for all your help & input!!


Offline sacmommy

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Ready to start sleep Training w 11mo old. Need some advise!!
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2005, 03:35:59 am »
Here's my 2 cents...

Wait until after the road trip for the training. I always accept that on vacations my kids will not sleep as well, and I will have to get them back to their good habits when we return. So doing new sleep training while away from home is just too hard, I think!

Next, I think you need to do the whole sleep training at the same time - naps and bedtime. Otherwise, it's just too confusing. I know it's hard, especially at night, but I think if you stick with it you will be happy with the results!

Finally, do it now! As your baby gets older, it will get harder and harder to retrain bad habits. I know it's so wonderful and easy to nurse them to sleep, but it's even more wonderful and amazing when they go down on their own!

Good luck.
Karina - Jan 24, 2004
Calvin - Sept 23, 2001