Author Topic: i feel silly asking this....  (Read 1185 times)

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Offline sraryan

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i feel silly asking this....
« on: August 27, 2005, 23:42:20 pm »
I don't know if this is a really ignorant or valid question but i don't know who else to ask.
If a baby is lactose intolerant, will mother's milk affect him/her?
I've heard of babies having problems with formula but not with breastmilk.
Any ideas?
DS is 15 weeks old and for the past 2 weeks, he has a bm after every single feed.  he sometimes arches is back in pain because of the gas.  It beaks my heart to see him like this.  The dr didn't see anything wrong with frequent bm's but it really bothers me to see him like this.
TIA for your help!
joanne :)
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i feel silly asking this....
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2005, 23:52:28 pm »
Natalie is 14 weeks and she's been through a bunch of different "poop phases." First she'd save it all up for one MAJOR poop a day and maybe a couple small ones. The big ones were enough that often not only would Natalie need a change of clothes, so would DH AND I. :shock: And as often as not, it would happen in the middle of the night and keep us all up a couple hours.

THEN she went through a phase, only just recently ended, where she pooped after EVERY feed.

NOW she's pooping usually after her first two feeds of the day, maybe another one later on.

Odds are a baby won't have trouble with mother's milk per se; however, if he's lactose intolerant and you're consuming any dairy products that will be in your milk, that WILL affect your baby.

If you're concerned about gas, you can try giving Mylicon before each feed. You can also check your diet for any other possible gas-causing culprits, like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and in some cases, tomatoes or peppers. Some babies also react to wheat and/or soy and/or egg. You can check the Food Allergies forum for more specifics.

Good luck - hope this gives you a place to start! :D

Offline Kayna

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i feel silly asking this....
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2005, 00:43:54 am »
Dd is bf and she is milk and soy intolerant. Her poops were really stringy and mucousy. Then they became bloody. I went off of dairy first and the mucous cleared up within a couple days but then they became very watery so I went of soy as well. Her diapers look much better now. The other day I ate at a restaurant who cooked their baked fish in butter and the very next day she had blood in her poop again. So yes, even though the chances are more slim, a breastfed baby can be dairy intolerant.
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