Mi almost 14 month old baby has always been a beautiful night sleeper. He, as every baby, has had his moments of night waking when developmental or sickness... but he has always been easily put back to bed, by covering him with a sheet (in case he's cold) or offering him a few sips of water, rocking him or patting him for at most 15 mins each time.
Since last week, he has been waking once a night SCREAMING HIS LUNGS OUT awfuly and heart breaking. HE would sometimes cry out in the past and then back to sleep easily but not this time. He stands in the crib and SCREAMS hysterically till we come in. For the past week, I'd pat him and he'd go back to sleep within 15 mins. But this past two days, he goes back to sleep and as soon as I leave the room (no matter if I wait another 15 mins and he's fully asleep) he wakes and starts crying hysterically again but then, the patting stops working and he starts squirming in his bed and then the madness starts: he CAN'T stop screaming and crying hysterically :cry: and none of my "tricks" works: he refuses to be rocked (it's like we are trying to killhim), refuses water, juice, milk, whatever it's like he's confused and hysterical. So, after 1 hour( yes 1 whole and complete hour) of crying, we take him to our bed and he dozes and goes to sleep like an angel. That's what we did the first time, so yesterday i try my bed at the 20 min of crying and he wouldn't settle. I tried again at the hour mark and he did well. However, at 5 am he started squirming and I took him to his crib and slept like an angel till 10 am!!!!
So I was wondering if his naps (he's on 1 nap a day usually from 2 to 3 hours and sometimes I have to wake him) are messing his sleep. I don't think it's that because he wants to sleep (That's why he sleeps till 10 AM). Besides he won't fight about going down either for the naps or his night sleep. We just do the routine and he's asleep like an angel.
Please help me, I have no idea what this can be, I've tried Motrin in case is pain from teething, massage in case it's gas and nop, it's like he wants company or something.
The wakings have been taking place at different hours, 4 am, 2 am and yesterday 1230 am...
This is killing us (there are no words to describe the desperation we feel by seeing him so hysterical and that everything we try makes it worse) and I don't want to take him to my bed because he used to like his crib so much that I don't want to creat an habit (he has NEVER slept with us,not even when he was bf or a week old, he just NEVER wanted to sleep with us, he wanted his crib)...besides I've been getting late to work (I don't want to wake him if he had such a bad night and perhaps he'd be crappy the whole day), so I let him sleep over but I can't do this anymore.