Thanks Gals,
Last night was the first night that I tried p/u p/d with the girls at night and after 1 hour they were on there own, they would wake every 10 mins after that for 45mins, but would only be doing the "mantra" cry. So we never ended up feeding them after the dreamfeed... they actually went back to sleep after this hour and 45 mins of "fussing" and woke finally at 8. So I fed them right away, they took a full feed of 6 oz! Also I gave them a tbsp of cereal and a little bit of bananas... we will see how the rest of the day goes. My Dh works night shift for the next few nights so I will have to tackle the pu/pd by myself for 2 nights... ahhhh! I know if was a bad night to chose to start, but it was the first night they made it to 5am after the dreamfeed, and they were only "mantra crying" when they woke... so I gave it a try.... I will keep you posted- if I survive! :shock: