I know we have had a lot going on in our lives, so Kiandra's sleep habits are probably being effected by that, teething, and being 2, but I thought I'd see if anyone has any thoughts on this matter.
For a LONG time Kiandra has had trouble going to sleep at nite. She just plays (with nothing, basically--room is empty) and talks and stalls, etc. That's happened since before she moved to her bed (at 19 months), and it happens when she's had any length of nap...not just long or short. Some nites she'll do better and go right to sleep, but here lately it's gotten worse. She can be super calm and tired, even telling us she's sleepy, etc. We try to keep playtime in the evening quiet so she doesn't get wound up, and we do our normal routine. But the closer we get to bedtime, the more hyper she gets. And once in bed, she just bounces off the walls. She doesn't eat sugary snacks or drink sugary drinks, not even juice. I don't get it!!
And now she's figured out how to turn her light on, so that makes it worse. We've tried taping it with painter's tape, but she somehow gets it off, we've put her dresser in front of and leaning against the lightswitch, and she somehow turns it on still. I don't know if they make lightswitch covers or anything???
And these last few days her naps have been taking forever too. Today I heard loud noises and she was both jumping on her bed and jumping off her bed, and when I went in there she told me she was trying to reach the light (like the actual light in the ceiling :roll: ) I just don't know what to do with her.
I go in there, lay her back down, cover her up, etc. But each time I go in she seems to get more wound up...I just don't know what to do anymore. I think she is getting overtired because she's not going to sleep till late (10 or so tonite, 11 a couple of times this week!!!!), and many times wakes up early. Then her naps are sometimes good, sometimes not, and she'll wake up tired. Any thoughts, please?