Hi there, If you put her in your arms, I would use my right, hold her facing you swaddled and all, you can use the other arm to pat her. Rocking/Swaying with her is fine to calm her, but try to remeber that the aim is to teach her to put herself to sleep. So If you sit on the edge of the bed with her, you can sway with your knees and pat with your hand, all while she is snuggled into you.
With your dh, maybe you could ask him to try it out for a trial, like 6weeks maybe, remind him that you need his help too. You both have to be determined to do it.
Pat/shh is not easy by any means, or is getting you dd into a routine, but she will become acustomes to it over time.
Go with the flow, learn with your baby and dh, do this is a family.
I love this program for babies, I had never heard of BW with my ds, but I had heard of it with dd, so I bought the new book. If you don't have it, it is well worth the buy, you can use it as you go looking back on it when you need a little guidence.
Keep going with it, there are LOTS of forums for you to use if you need help, definitly check out the EASY and pu/pd forums, you never know, there maybe a post on there similar to what you are going through.
Take Care Hun, HTH
Keep us all posted on your progress.
Just remember, we are here for you, and have all gone through it or something similar.
BTW, just wondering where you are from, you never know, you may have other BW around you.