Author Topic: 3 year old refuses to sleep  (Read 787 times)

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3 year old refuses to sleep
« on: August 15, 2008, 02:15:39 am »
I have been on this website many times in the past three years.  My little girl has not been a good sleeper since day one.  By 9 months she was down to one nap.  Lately we have been having some issues.  She is the true meaning of STRONG WILLED, but I don't know what else to do.
We go through the same routine every night.  We read her books and then lay down with her for a few minutes.  That is when it all begins.  She wants one more book, one more story, one more song and so on...the problem isn't that we can't tell her no, it is that she goes CRAZY!  I mean a screaming fit.  So, we have tried reasoning with her...didn't work too well.  We try letting her scream...she kept getting out of bed.  Also, she screamed for over an hour.  She just got more and more worked up.  Every little thing sends her into a screaming fit.   This has been happening at both nap and bed time.  The past 3 days she has not napped.  We tried and tried, but she cannot fall asleep.  I do think she is overtired, but I don't think that is to blame for this!  She was pulling the same stunts when she was napping consistently.  Basically, we are losing our minds and would like to stop this now! 

Any ideas????


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Re: 3 year old refuses to sleep
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2008, 02:29:31 am »
What is her day like?  How long does she nap?  Sometimes cutting back on the nap can improve bedtime.  DD is older but I remembered her needing at least 6-7 hrs before she can go to bed IF she napped at that age.  She fully gave up on napping by 33 mos but will occasionally take a nap if she is ill or had a bad night.  Also, I found that our bedtime routine became longer maybe it is because we have lots to talk about when reading books.  Reading to her isn't an option as she likes to discuss the characters.  lol