Tricky one this, I think official line is 12mo, that's what we get told in the UK, but here are a few pointers, I would say, speak to as many people as you can and then do what you think is sensible for your household and your LO, oh and your sanity!!!!
-i didn't sterilise dummies once she started putting everything in her mounth.
-BUT i sterlised bottles till 12 mo - because I would have lots of bottles cleaned ready to go but some would sit on the side for over 2 days, so I setrilised them in case they got dirty sitting around. ( some may think this is crazy logic, but it worked for me)
-by 10 mo if i was using it immediatey I woouldn't sterilse
-a lot of people stop a lot earlier, especially if they are being put in the dishwasher
- how easy does your LO pick up infections? if they are robust they not pick up any germs but if they are a delicate little thing then maybe it's worth hanging on for a few more months
Anyway, that's my experience, hopefully some other people will post theirs as well. What I love about this site is that you get an international view, other countries do things differently and sometimes that's a good thing!!!!