Author Topic: how many oz. for 6mo?  (Read 1265 times)

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Offline micah'smom

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how many oz. for 6mo?
« on: October 08, 2005, 02:16:29 am »
hi all,

my almost 6mo ds is starting formula - i only BF for the morning feed and any middle of the night feeds. otherwise his schedule is this

7:00 BF
 8:00 solids (2 oz.)
11:00 4-6oz formula
 12:00 solids (2 oz)
3:00ish 3-5 oz formula
630 4-7oz formula
anywhere from 11-2am - BF

as you can see, the amt of formula can vary a lot. how much "should" he be getting? are these amts ok? i notice that for his 3:00 feeding he doesn't seem at all hungry, but i give him the bottle so we can be on schedule for naps  :oops: he always has a middle of the night feed ( i never did a DF). could this be why he doesn't take much during the day? so should i try to add the oz. to the daytime to drop the night feed? or should i wait until we start on solids 3X a day?

i wonder also if he just does not like his bottle/nipple since he was EBF for so long. i'm sure this has been asked so many times, so i'm sorry to ask again - what are good bottles/nipples for transitioning from breast to bottle?

sorry for all these questions, not very coherent right now. thanks!
selena, mom to micah 4/14/05

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how many oz. for 6mo?
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2005, 18:20:12 pm »
Your days looks good to me  :D   As far as how much he should be getting, I just offer as much as he'll take.  I see you are on the 4 hour routine so snacking isn't a problem  :D   With the nightwakings, it does help to get more calories in during the day but sometimes this can be tricky if they just won't take more.   Maybe you could offer a little more solids if he will take it?  :D

I mostly bottlefed too so don't have any suggestions on which bottles/nipples to use.  There is a link though on the top of this forum for getting BF babies to take a bottle.  Maybe that would help.  :D
**Noelle**  Formerly JohnandZoesMom

Offline becky&rachel

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how many oz. for 6mo?
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2005, 13:26:10 pm »
My DD is also nearly 6 months.  I have been bf up until now and am ready to drop it this week. I have also been giving a bottle while I am at work.  I have been using the Playtex vent air nurser-this has a wide nipple area that is similar to the breast.  I had no problems with it.  Although, I have heard that the later you introduce bottle the harder babies adjust  :?:  That may/maynot be true. 

My DD is 13.8 lbs and just GULPED down an 8oz bottle this morning, then cried when it was done.  Gave 2 more oz and she still cried.  Gave 3 bites of cereal and she was satisfied.  I have not done a full intro to foods yet-b/c of eczema situation and pending doctor's approval will re-introduce cereals again this week (only gave her cereal this mornign b/c she was obviously STARVING!)  But otherwise I am giving 8 0z formula 4x day with not solids.

After solids are more regular, I am sure that that will change.  How much does your LO weigh?  I know that the solids will suppliment for some formula.  You will know if your LO is getting enough or not--he will CRY CRY CRY if he is still hungry, as mine does.  My ped told me to give her as much as she wants- I swear she'd drink 12 -14 OZ!! if I gave it to her.

As for the 11-2 bf-I bet you can't wait to lose that!  I would definitely tank him up before bed with breast and bottle if necessary.  Most babies do have the capacity to last all night by this age.

What is your DS b-day?  Mine is 4/17/05.


Becky">[img width= height= alt=Lilypie Baby Ticker" border="0][/img]

Offline micah'smom

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how many oz. for 6mo?
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2005, 15:34:14 pm »
hi becky!

our lo's are so close in age! micah's dob is 4/14.

wow 8 oz. in one sitting... and only 13 lbs!! micah is 19 lbs  :shock: which is why i'd expect him to take more. these days it's still been erratic. this morning ds wasn't even interested in his morning milk, even when i offered to BF. he did gulp down 2-3oz. of cereal and fruit.  !!
he definitely won't take more in the day so that i can eliminate the nightfeed. maybe after i intro a third solid meal he'll balance out his food/milk intake? hm.

thanks for the tip about the playtex bottle, i've heard good things about it. i'll try getting it this weekend! let's keep each other posted.
selena, mom to micah 4/14/05