Author Topic: Waking up for the dreamfeed!! (long!)  (Read 1933 times)

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Offline Cathy_twins

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Waking up for the dreamfeed!! (long!)
« on: October 19, 2005, 14:05:26 pm »

Our 19 week old twins have been doing really well ever since we started the EASY routine when they were about 6 weeks old - they seem to respond very well to having a routine. They were born at 33+4, weighing 5lb 3oz and 5lb 5oz, so have always been big lads. At their 12 week check their neonatologist recommended early weaning, as they were drinking vast quantities of SMA White and were still always hungry.

They have been doing brilliantly with weaning and now eat the following:

7.30am - They share baby rice mixed with about 3floz of formula and a mashed banana for their breakfast. I then always offer the remainder of their bottles (about another 3floz each), but they almost always refuse it.

11.15am - Lunch is a savoury main course, followed by fruit or yoghurt, with juice (4floz of water mixed with a trickle of Cow & Gate concentrate) to drink. I make all of my own baby food (we are following the Annabel Karmel planner & recipes), so they have a pretty good variety and so far they have loved everything except cauliflower!!!

3.00pm - They have a 7floz bottle each, they usually finish this unless I over-face them at lunch and give them too much by mistake.

5.30pm - They share homemade fruity rice pudding for their tea (I sneak 5floz of formula into it!), followed by some of their 6floz bedtime bottle

6.45pm - They usually almost finish the rest of their bottle after their bath.

11.00pm - They have 6floz each and usually finish the bottle.

The past 4-5 nights they have woken up when we give then the dreamfeed and although they go back to sleep again when we put them back in their cots it seems a little daft to be waking them to feed them. The dreamfeed used to work perfectly and they would sleep soundly through it, but I am confused as to why they have suddenly started waking up now?

They sleep through the night and will happily lie chatting to each other in their cots from about 7.10, whilst my husband and I get stuff ready for them downstairs.

I am wondering if we should now start cutting down on the dreamfeed - they have been weaning for 7 weeks now, but are still only 19 weeks and I am worried that it is too early to start?

Also I am worried about how I am going to persuade them to drink more during the day. There is a limit as to how much food & milk you can get into them and when they look at you as if to say "I'm not drinking this muck, gimme proper food mum!" and try every diversionary tactic going (closing mouth, opening mouth wide and refusing to suck, pushing bottle away with lips/tongue/hands, etc...!!!) it is very difficult to know what to do!

Any suggestions, ideas & comments would be most welcome!

Thanks LOADS,

Cathy xx
Mummy to Jossie & Robbie - the most handsome twins in the whole wide world!!

Offline PaulaP

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Waking up for the dreamfeed!! (long!)
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2005, 18:58:55 pm »
Hi Cathy,

My lo is 14 weeks and I have just started introducing him to a small amount of baby rice once a day.

From what I have heard, when your lo's are on solids, they need to be drinking between 500-600 ml a day.  From what I gather that is around 17oz a day.

As for the dream feed, my lo has slept through the night since he was around 4 weeks old, and I have never given him a dream feed, and he has happily slept through the night.

Hope this information helps you.

Take care

Paula - Mum to Thomas :D

Offline nikki_lou

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Waking up for the dreamfeed!! (long!)
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2005, 13:07:49 pm »
Hi Paula

When you say you Lo has slept throught  the night since 4 weeks, what time are you talking about? So at 4 weeks they were sleeping from what time to what time each night??


Offline PaulaP

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Waking up for the dreamfeed!! (long!)
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2005, 15:25:12 pm »
Hi Nikki,

When my lo slept through from 4 weeks - he slept from about 11pm to 6am.

Now at 14 weeks he has his last bottle at 7pm and goes down straight after and wakes up at around 6am - plays for a while and wants a bottle at around 7am.

He is on the 4 hour easy routine, has 4 bottles a day of 8oz, and finishes 3 of them completely.

Hope this information helps, let me know if you need any other info.


Paula - Mum to Thomas