Author Topic: Wiggle and Squirm when bottle!  (Read 4099 times)

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Offline neet

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Wiggle and Squirm when bottle!
« on: October 14, 2005, 21:07:31 pm »
I hope someone can 6MO wiggles, squirms, and carrys on when he is being bottle fed.  He cant go 5 gulps from the bottle without pushing it away and whining, going stiff, arching his back, sometimes screaming !  I have him on the 4H EASY, and he hoes down his solids before / after the bottle no problem.  I sometimes think it is tummy pangs as close to the end of the feed he starts farting and relaxes.  He now takes to passing a bowel movement too once he finishes - 3 times a day (he used to be once in 3 days!), so i cant help but think it is this ?  Has anyone got any clues.  It is really annoying and painful to see.  He hasnt had a proper feed in weeks.   he has gone through his first teething, so it cant be that.   it can sometimes take up to 30 mins to get through a bottle!  ANY SUGGESTIONS !

Mother of Ethan, baby No. 1

Offline Dina

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Wiggle and Squirm when bottle!
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2005, 16:45:22 pm »
My 7 mth old boy is doing the same thing.  He will happilly take is early morning feed - he actually gets so impatient he starts crying as soon as he see's us get up out of bed !

He has 3 set meals a day and he eats well for his age, and I give him diluted juice with his meals (only a few sips) and then his milk at about 3pm - this is the one that he fights ! sometimes on a rare occasion he will drink it, but more often these days he wil only take 50 mls, then start pushing the bootle away and squirming - I think he gets too distracted - even the ceiling now distracts him !

I think he just isn't hungry enough for his 3pm feed.  He also doesn't drink much after his bath - he's usually so tired that he'd rather go to bed than even being held by me !

I stopped the dreamfeed about 4 weeks ago since he was sleeping pretty good - but now he's starting to wake up at 3am, then again 5am - and wants to play - I never feed him though - I don't want him to get into the habit of feeding at night. 

I'm tempted to start dreaming feeding him again because he's missing out on so much milk - althogether on some days he's just having about 250 - 300mls.
A Very Spirited Aries Boy
Born: 24th March 2005

Offline neet

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Wiggle and Squirm when bottle!
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2005, 20:34:49 pm »

So your little one only has 2 bottles a day?  One first thing in the morning, then one late at night?  with a possibility of a little bottle at 3pm?

When did you stop doing the mid morning and lunch time bottle?  Do you think my Ethan is telling me he is ready to give up on those other bottles and stick to the solids.  He too eats well during these feeds.   Just refused the bottle.  Very distracted (yes, even the ceiling too! :) ).  I will await your reply and see what to do next.

thanks :)
Mother of Ethan, baby No. 1

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Wiggle and Squirm when bottle!
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2005, 04:37:24 am »
Hi Neet,
How long has your little one been doing that?  He sounds IDENTICAL to my guy - 5 swallows and then pull away, arching, super distracted, sometimes just playing with the nipple with his tongue or fake sucking.  My son did this from about a couple weeks old though, and was diagnosed and treated for reflux. 

Those symptoms sound a lot like reflux, but if they are new behaviors, that is probably not the case...  Could he need a faster flow nipple?  Also could be teething...

Let me know how things go...   :wink:

Offline neet

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Wiggle and Squirm when bottle!
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2005, 04:49:32 am »

Thanks for your message.  I went to the GP yesterday for his 6 month shots and i spoke to her about it.  I explained the situation and she advised that it was probably him trying to tell me he didnt want his bottle any more.  Considering he ate his food easily and always wanted more than offered, she suggested i try to feed him first then offer the bottle.  If he still wont take it then she said up his solid feeds and always add milk for calcium.  Today he has refused all milk feeds bar 100 ml........ I also need to up his yoghurt intake and add cheese to his dinner for calcium.  Reflux was someone elses suggestion too, but this has only just started like this in the last fortnight.  I am a little concerned about his calcium and mineral content, but he is eating very healthy food.  But i cannot do anything about it. I cannot force him to take his bottle.....what else am i supposed to do?

thank you for all your suggestions.

neet :P
Mother of Ethan, baby No. 1

Offline Dina

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Wiggle and Squirm when bottle!
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2005, 19:08:08 pm »
Hi Neet,

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner - been a bit busy ! Also unwell with sore throat ! :cry:

Mine started playing around with his teat from quite an early age, sometimes he will finish it all (like today) but most days the lunch and 3pm feed is a struggle. 

I bought some faster flowing teats (for aged 6 mths plus) and he seems to be drinking his milk ok now.  I also let him hold the bottle (like a big boy !) and he enjoys doing that although sometimes he ends up chewing the teat.  I only hold the bottle if he's really fidgity.

I was concerned about his vitamin and mineral intake so I give multivitamin syrup, 1 tsp a day (when I can remember !) I also give him 1 whole weetabix with full fat cows milk for breakfast (warmed up slightly in the microwave- he seems to like this, or sometimes ready brek and fruit flavvoured porridge.  Also everyday I give him after his savoury meal 2 pots of petit flious/munch bunch/muller fromage frai.  But not in the evening because it seems to make him bring a bit of it up !  :?

I also give him finger food - he loves those baby biscuits/cookies, after his afternoon nap.

Hope this helps.  Let us now how you get on !
A Very Spirited Aries Boy
Born: 24th March 2005