Author Topic: Mobiles  (Read 1132 times)

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Offline doodle

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« on: November 03, 2005, 00:49:50 am »
I was so excited when I received a beautiful mobile for my baby's crib.  The problem is I don't know when to use it!  I thought they were to help babies fall asleep but now that I have read the Baby Whisperer books I think that would be a bad idea.  I want to use it, but how?  Do they help babies fall asleep or is it too stimulating?  Should I just use it when he is playing in his crib (not that he does).

I know this is a dumb question but let me know if you have any insight.

Thank you!!  :lol:
Proud mom of Parker
Born August 22, 2005
7 lb 14 oz

Offline GabrielleD

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« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2005, 01:17:55 am »
I, too, found that mobiles are way too stimulating when I was trying to get my son to fall asleep. I usually turn it on for him during an A(activity) time in his crib.

Offline Sylvia.

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« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2005, 01:30:45 am »
my dd has 3 in her room, her first one we hung from the ceiling above her change table, this was her first best place to be, we took the arm off that would have connected it to the cot, we used a cup hook in the roof and then used fishing line wire to hang it, the 2nd one we hung to the side of her crib, we hung it the same way from the roof, the third one we hung so she could also see it in her crib, we also have all her teddies hanging on a plastic chain from the ceiling, i must say i hadn't read the BW when we hung them and was a little bit concerned after reading it, but we never took them down, she still loves them, we have names for them and we say good night every night and nap time, sound awful but looks wonderful, she does have a very big room, luck girl, we gave her our room, if you decide to use your mobile then i hope your ds has as much fun using it as our dd has using hers