Author Topic: waited too long to wean...  (Read 1045 times)

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waited too long to wean...
« on: November 09, 2005, 15:39:58 pm »
I have been breastfeeding from the get-go.  DS was born 6/28, and next week dh has surprised me by taking me on a grownups only vacation for 3 days (yay!).   I didn't know what I would do about bf'ing, because I love the bonding but I have to go back to work soon anyway and I was going to give it up. 

SO, after going back and forth between "I'll wean" and "I'll pump" I've decided to switch him to formula.

He already has one bottle of formula in the middle of the night and has since birth. 

Saturday, I began giving him a bottle at his 1 PM feeding (I have a babysitter then so it worked out).

Then last night, because of sleep issues, he had a bottle at 10:30 pm, skipped his 1 AM feeding, and BF'd at 3 AM.  I figured I'd be fine because I was just switching that feeding around, but not really changing much.

HOWEVER, I also decided I would give him a bottle at 7 AM this morning. I figured it's been 4 days, and this would make it so that every other feeding (pretty much) is a bottle.  Well.  I'm HORRIBLY engorged!  I don't know if I should just quit cold turkey because I'm already suffering, or if it could actually get worse.  The ped. said I got so engorged because the morning feeding is a big one, but I figured that it was the best next step because otherwise during the day I'd be going 8-9 hours at a time if I substituted any other feedings.

Does this make sense?  If so, any advice (should I switch something around, quit cold turkey, etc.)?

Mary Pat
Mary Pat

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waited too long to wean...
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2005, 19:52:40 pm »
You will feel much more comfortable if you can "wean" gradually. Even if that means pumping for a few feeds per day for a while. Weaning is best done over a course of a few weeks to couple months, for both of your sake. How do you feel about taking a trip without your ds? He is so young!

Is there any way you can take your pump on vacation and pump once or twice per day? You'll have to toss that milk, but any other milk you pump now and after you return you can give in a bottle. Any breastmilk is better than none! It is recommended that babies are breastfed through their first birthdays, at least.

There are several moms that balance nursing at night/weekends, and pumping while at work, with minimal or no formula costs. If you are interested in continuing, this is a very real and great option!
Stacy, Mama to
Grace Kelly 01/03, Maximilian Alexander 07/04, Faith Noelle 03/07, Henry Patrick 12/08
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waited too long to wean...
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2005, 22:41:31 pm »
Going cold turkey will be the most painfull for your boobs. If you choose to do so, you should express a little milk every now and then to get some relief. Not too much so you don't stimulate your breasts too much to produce even more. Some women swear by white cabbage leaves, they have to be chilled in a fridge and then put around your breasts inside of a bra with a hole for a nipple.

Personally, I don't recommend going cold turkey, if you plan to wean, it is much more natural for your body to do this gradually. Eliminate one feed per week, then another one and so on.