I was just wondering if anyone could advise me. My DS is almost 8 months old but his corrected age is 6 months as he was born 9 weeks early. For the last month or so hes been doing really good at night. His last feed is at 6.30pm thats 7oz bottle and solids and he sleeps through to 3am sometimes 4am where he wakes up clearly hungry as he takes a full feed - normally goes back down again until around 6am.
Anyway the last couple of nights hes been waking up at 11am and 4am and im not 100% confident its not hunger so ive been feeding him - he takes maybe 4oz at 11am and the same at 4am - do you think this is the 6 month growth spurt ive been reading about? Would he have his 6 month spurt at 8 months due to being born prem?
Many thanks for any help !