Author Topic: Need advice to solve waking at nite ( 8 months)  (Read 1255 times)

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Need advice to solve waking at nite ( 8 months)
« on: November 16, 2005, 17:09:52 pm »
Hello Everyone,

I have an almost 8 month old named Braden.  Braden was sleeping throught the nite until he got sick or just before that  :( .  We are now going to bed at 8pm and waking around about 230am.  So we started giving him a bottle.  Big Mistake!  :roll:   Now I have been doing the nudge to interrupt his sleeping clock.  I do this just before I go to bed sometime between 10-1030pm.  We have now moved to 330-4ish for a wake up time and still getting a small bottle of 3oz.  I want him to go down at 8pm and sleep till 530-6am like he used to.  Any suggestions?  My husband and I both work full time so we are getting very tired of being up in the middle of the nite.  Also when he wakes in the mornings on the weekends we let him play in his crib for at least 30 min before we go in and get him.  He is very active for an 8 month old.  Loves to notice everything.  He does not take a pacificer or suck his finger either. 
He used too until he got teeth.  I think we are starting to get more front teeth but this waking in the middle of the nite started happening after teeth started comming in so I really don't think that it the problem.  The problem is accidental parenting and prop.  How do I undo this to get a great nite of sleep?  Help we are desparate! :)

Meredith, Brad, &Braden :arrow:

Offline sara_derek

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Need advice to solve waking at nite ( 8 months)
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2005, 04:59:35 am »
Hi there, I would try pick up put down with Braden to eliminate that night waking.  You  might want to visit that board for help!
Canyon 12/27/02
Christian 7/4/05

Angel#1 12/23/01
Angel #2 5/23/06
Angel #3 11/27/06

Offline Travis' Mom

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Need advice to solve waking at nite ( 8 months)
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2005, 23:48:39 pm »
I have a 9 month old who has slept through from 7pm to 6:30am until this past month.  He now wakes up anytime after he goes to bed, usually about 3 times during the night.  I know it is the teething and developmental as he is very busy and crawling now and another tooth is just coming through now.  The teething thing is on and off for months, so never rule it out, especially when something is all of a sudden happening!  We just give him the nighttime Orajel and Motrin for pain and hope for the best.  When he naps good during the day (he only has one nap a day now for about 2.5 to 3 hours), he sleeps the best and only wakes once.  What is happening with our guy is that he can now sit up and then he doesn't know how to get back down!  That's where I come in!  I just tell myself that this phase will pass and it's probably worse for them than it is for us!  That's great that you see the accidental parenting you did but hopefully the pu/pd worked and you can try to get back on to your routine.
Let me know how it goes.
Sheri - Mom to an angel baby

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