Author Topic: crying during the night  (Read 1230 times)

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Offline wendywoos

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crying during the night
« on: November 28, 2005, 12:44:47 pm »
Emily has never been a good sleeper, and woke regulary
throught the night for a bottle to go back to sleep
with. So I decided to take the bottle away, except for
frst thing in the morning. This worked well, she has a
beaker of milk before bed, then settles really well on
her own with out the aid of her bottle, which is
great. The first four nights having gotten over hte
fact that bot bot wasn't coming at night, she slept
through! But these last five or so nights she is
waking once or twice crying her eyes out. Last night
each cry/awake time was lasting about an hour. Im not
ging into her becasue I don't want to to be rewarded
as such by my presence, so my self or my husband call
to her and say lay down and go to sleep, we say it
nicely not angrily, so as she doesn't feel completely
abandoned, but im worried because each night she is
getting worse, lasting longer awake and crying louder.
This always happens, we do well with the lseeping and
its like she finds another way to get our attention at
night. I just don't know what to do next? Im coping to
be honest as I don't work, but my husbands finding it
more and more frustrating as he needs his sleep as he
is a roofer, and he needs his wits about him in the
wind whilst high up on a roof, that and he one of
these sorts that find sleep very precious! Shes nearly
two now and somethings gotta give! Should I just
ignore her completely so she gets no reward work
crying out, or is that harsh? what to do! please help.
x :cry:

Offline daisymelan

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crying during the night
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2005, 18:33:21 pm »
I'm sorry, but I don't have advice to give you as my son is only 4 months old.  But I think you'll find that few people on this website would suggest that you let her cry and doing nothing for her. 

I'm sure some mom on this site will have some great advice for you.
Mom to O (July 20/05) and L (Dec 25/06)

Offline Benjaminsmummy

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crying during the night
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2005, 19:43:30 pm »
I personnely would not let her cry out. This will break any trust that she has in you.
When she wakes at night then I would let her cry it out for 5 minutes then go in, settle her down, give her her comfort if she has one, tell her that its okay she is just going to sleep. Leave the room, if she starts up again, leave her for 5 minutes again and then repeat the steps above.  Let the gap between going into her get longer.
This may take hours, and weeks, but eventually she will learn to self sooth herself but in the knowledge that mummy and daddy are near by and will come into her and give her love if needed.
It took us about 3 weeks of this system but touch wood it is working, i know now that if he wakes up during the night that it is for a good reason, such as teeth, tummy ache etc.
GIve it a go, I am not saying it will be easy. After about 1-2 weeks of doing this I was about to give up.  But be persistant, and don't confuse her with different routines. 
I hope it works, but I am sure you will be fine.

Good Luck  :D
