Hi, Ankie-
Just want to offer moral support, as well. I could've written your post word-for-word and am going through the exact same thing w/our 7 month old Ellison who just started nightwaking about 1 month ago. It escalated from 1x/night to 5 or 6x/night this week. She is EBF, but started solids at 5 mo. and has handled that fine, sleeping through the night for another month afterwards. At first I tried to let her whine for a few mintues to see if she would settle herself, but then she would cry, and I would do PU/PD for up to 45 min./time to get her to sleep. Like Awryn, she started sitting up/crawling/standing around 5 1/2-6 mo. and I think is now going through some separation anxiety. As soon as she wakes, she immediately sits up, and starts whining. I've found that if I go to her immediately, give her a passy and lovey (she's only 1/2 interested in the lovey, but I"m trying), and lay her down (no PU/PD bc she's not really crying), she'll settle right away and go to sleep w/in 10 min. or so. If I wait until she really starts to cry, then I have to do PU/PD for 20-45 min. Both of us work FT, so it's starting to become a real problem.
I've read TH's latest book and the sleep interview on this board, but nothing addresses this problem -- when she's not crying (no need for PU/PD), but needs help settling and can't seem to sleep through more than one or two 45-min. sleep cycles at night on her own, what do you do? Seems like going in to lay her back down and help her settle is only making it worse, but what's the alternative? I've been consistent about PU/PD and helping her resettle w/o BF or props for almost 2 weeks, and the frequency of nightwaking is increasing. I've also tried other suggestions, like changing her evening activity (about 1 1/2 hrs. before bedtime, we only do low-key activities, like walking or reading), feeding her more during the day, introducing DF around 10 pm, monitoring her solids diet (doesn't appear to be gas or upset stomach bc she's not crying and BMs are normal), but to no avail.
Like yours, Ellie takes two 1-hr- 1/2-hr naps, and sometimes a catnap around 4; goes to bed around 7 and wakes at 5:30 am (I leave for work at 6:30 am). She's had probs w/her naps lately, too, only taking 45 min. catnaps, but PU/PD seems to be helping lengthen her nap (and we usually have to give her the passy/lovey right at 45 min. when she wakes, but then goes right back to sleep for another 1/2 hour or 45 min.)
Any suggestions would be appreciated. I'm desperately in need of sleep!