Author Topic: 6 month old - never before cried when putting him to sleep  (Read 1689 times)

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Offline JWB's Mom

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6 month old - never before cried when putting him to sleep
« on: November 27, 2005, 04:01:18 am »
I wasn't sure where to post this, so I thought I'd start here. My 6 month old has been on EASY and sleeping through the night since he was 2 months old. He never cried when putting him down for a nap or at night, and if he did, it was very brief. Since he turned 6 months, he has started wailing when I put him down for naps and at night. I put my hand on him to calm him but it only seems to make it worse. I wasn't sure if I should do the PUPD method or just keep putting my hand on him to calm him until he stops. Tonight I had my hand on him for 20 minutes before he stopped crying. He got his two bottom teeth a few weeks ago, so I gave him Tylenol before bed tonight to see if it helped. I just tried to dreamfeed him and he started screaming and refused the bottle. But he did settle back down to sleep after only a few minutes. I guess my questions are - Is this a normal developmental adjustment for 6 month olds?  And should I use the PUPD to get him to stop crying or just put my hand on him?

Thank you!
Julie (Jack's Mom)

Holly n Harvie

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6 month old - never before cried when putting him to sleep
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2005, 21:41:36 pm »
Julie!!! My 6 mo old is doing the SAME thing ! ! ! We are currently travelling over seas and I thought that it is just him trying to get over jet lag... but after reading your post, Harvie is doing the same thing. Sometimes in the night if he wakes crying, I will pick him up and he calms down INSTANTLY but as SOON as I put him down he screams!! Never done this before ! ! I hope there is someone out there that has some insight into this... It is just not like Harv to cry like this.

Offline CharlotteS

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6 month old - never before cried when putting him to sleep
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2005, 21:59:59 pm »

Kat and I have been having just about the same problems with our LOs lately!  I started a post about it just recently.  Here's the link to it:

We're still not sure what's going on.  But since all of our LOs are abuot the same age, I wonder if it's a developmental thing?  Teething?  Sleeping is boring compared to what they're able to do now?  Just don't know!  :?

Maybe it has to do with their temperment.  DS is part Angel/Textbook and the other half Spirited.  So, do you all have Spirited LOs too?

Love to hear your input!  Kat and I are pretty confused!  (Sorry that I'm speaking for you, Kat!  :oops: )

Mama to spirited angel Josiah
May 8, 2005

Offline JWB's Mom

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6 month old - never before cried when putting him to sleep
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2005, 23:36:26 pm »
My 6 month old is a Textbook/Spirited baby, and has never had this problem so I'm at a total loss. Charlotte, thank you for the link - I found it earlier and it was helpful. I was up 6 times with him last night - as soon as I picked him up, he stopped crying. But when I put him down, he just screams and screams (just like Harvey!). Before this, if he woke up at all during the night, all I had to do was put my hand on him to calm him and he was right back to sleep. Now, it seems like it makes it worse. Since all of you are having the same experience, I'm assuming it's a developmental phase. And hopefully, things will be back to normal soon!  :D  Thank you all for sharing your experiences and please feel free to share anything that is working for you!

Julie (Jack's Mom)

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6 month old - never before cried when putting him to sleep
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2005, 21:00:28 pm »

As Charlotte said we are both pulling our hair out and consuming lots of wine at the moment to get us through!!!

Yes , please let it be developmental but how long does it go on for I wonder.......
Its really hit and miss as to whether she'll go down or not - sometimes no problem , others up to an hour. The night wakings seem to have stopped for now, she had a cold so I think that was what the problem was there.

I hope things have improved for everyone and atleast we can take comfort from the fact that we are all in the same boat!!!!

Offline CharlotteS

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6 month old - never before cried when putting him to sleep
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2005, 22:26:08 pm »
Hey, Julie!

Yep, DS has been on EASY since day one, and he always slept really well.  I could put him down, and leave, and not even (usually) hear a whimper.  But, around the six month mark, he started fighting going to bed as well as waking several times a night!  Here's what I finally had to do:

I figured that he was waking at night because of the pacifier falling out of his mouth, and he wanted us to put it back in for him.  So, I had to teach him how to put it back into his mouth (during the day), and dh and I had to stop putting it in his mouth for him.  This was hard, but now he can do it himself!  It took almost a week for him to finally realise that we weren't going to come in and put it back in his mouth.  That's when my mom advised me to turn off his monitor I had in my room.  Now I don't hear every little noise and run in to check on him.  Ever since then, he hardly ever wakes after his df!

BUT then he started fighting sleep.  This is still a hard one, but, as Kat says, wine really helps!   :lol:  :wink: (I use it as a reward for me.)  I can only do pu/pd for a little while with him because he'll start kicking me, and Tracy says not to do pu/pd after they start fighting.  So, I just have to hang out in his room.  I'll put my hand on his back until he starts fidgeting - that's when I know that it's bothering him.  Sometimes I'll help him get on his side and sometimes talking or singing helps.  I pull out the whole bag of tricks these nights!  Eventually, he gets to sleep, and usually sleeps pretty well after that!

You know, I just think that this is awfully strange that so many dc our lo's age are having this same problem!  Why isn't this mentioned anywhere else??

Hugs, Charlotte
Mama to spirited angel Josiah
May 8, 2005

Offline JWB's Mom

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6 month old - never before cried when putting him to sleep
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2005, 16:10:03 pm »
Well, I have a confession to make. Twice yesterday, my LO ended up on his tummy during his naps and slept so well. So last night, I put him to sleep on his tummy at 7:00pm and he didn't make a peep until 6:00am! And even then, he just started talking to himself. I know we're not supposed to put babies to sleep on their tummies, but he is rolling over very well and seems to prefer it now. I have one of those Angel monitors, so I feel a little more comfortable with that - although I didn't sleep much last night, wondering if he would be okay on his tummy. He did well this morning with his first nap but woke up after 45 minutes - and wouldn't go back to sleep. I don't know if this helps anyone or not. I also posted this issue on the PUPD message board. I'm always curious to know how long these "devleopmental" phases last too!


Offline CharlotteS

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6 month old - never before cried when putting him to sleep
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2005, 16:57:18 pm »
Hi, Julie!

DS has been sleeping on his stomach (and now side) for a couple or months now.  So, don't worry!  I couldn't prevent it, and he could roll over by himself, so the ped. said not to worry.

And I've noticed that DS also has a shorter morning nap if he has an especially LONG stretch of sleep at night.

Sounds like our LOs are on the same page!  (I don't know if that's a good thing, or a bad thing!  I'll let you know tonight!)  :roll:

Mama to spirited angel Josiah
May 8, 2005

Offline CharlotteS

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6 month old - never before cried when putting him to sleep
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2005, 03:34:06 am »
It's night.  It took TWO AND A HALF hours for DS to calm down tonight so he could go to sleep.  :shock:

So, re: last post, I guess it's not a good thing.  :?
Mama to spirited angel Josiah
May 8, 2005

Offline JWB's Mom

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6 month old - never before cried when putting him to sleep
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2005, 20:43:24 pm »
My LO had trouble settling down last night too - but not too bad. He talked for about 20 minutes and then fussed for another 20 minutes. He woke up about 9:00 but then was back asleep in 5 or 10 minutes. His naps have been erratic though. Monday and Tuesday he only napped for 45 minutes in the morning, but then today he napped for 2 hours in the morning, but only for 45 minutes in the afternoon!

Offline Katw

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6 month old - never before cried when putting him to sleep
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2005, 11:08:25 am »
We're back to erratic sleeping again too!

I thought things had got back on track after her cold ( why did I even dare think that - its such a jinx to think any thoughts at all!!!)

Last night took DH 40mins to get her to sleep, she wasn't crying so in the end he walked out and she eventually went to sleep. She did sleep through but then woke up at 5.50am, way too early, I tried a re-swaddle but that didn't work and then her 1st nap this am was only an hour.

I am starting to think that if she fusses going to bed then she wakes earlier in the am, whereas the other week she was going straight down at 7pm and waking at 7am!

This is a very long spell of ' development ' though, guess its just ' ride it out ' time............