Author Topic: How long till she likes chicken?  (Read 1264 times)

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How long till she likes chicken?
« on: December 07, 2005, 21:54:26 pm »
Hi again. Iīve been on cereal, veggies and fruits since 5 mo and she was having them with no problem at all, then at 6 mo. doc told me to introduce yogurt and chicken. There was no problem with yougurt as she really loved it, but I canīt make her to even close her mouth to swallow her chicken. When chicken is in her mouth her tounge makes the form of a spoon and she makes as it she is going to throw up. She closes her mouth and she tastes first and if it is yougurt or fruit she opens her mouth by herself and with pleasure, but if it is chicken or veggies... oh no not at all. It has been a week now and she needs the protein as she is not a milk eater... Will it pass on? Should I keep on trying or add salt or something else... She is not interested at all, I even tried jarred food and just the same... Thanks for your help.  Will this happen with meat and ham and cheese and turkey too? Any help would be great... Is it normal to keep food on her tongue and not swallowing it al all?
[img width= height=][/img] [img width= height=][/img]

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How long till she likes chicken?
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2005, 23:17:10 pm »
How are you cooking your chicken?  DS found that the texture of plain pureed chicken was not to his liking.  Plus once frozen the texture is very different and you can never get it back to the smooth that you got before freezing.  I introduced chicken at about the same age as you are. 

I wouldn't worry about not taking the jarred stuff either - your homemade will be much better tasting and with a higher quality of chicken too.  As an aside - Have you tasted it?  My personal feeling is that I wouldn't serve it to DH / me so why serve it to my son.  But that's MY lifestyle choice and I fully respect those who use jars.

i found that the best way to cook it was to cook it with other veg(like a small casserole)  .   As you are supposed to introduce one thing at  a time to watch for reactions, I cooked the chicken with veg that he was familiar with.  eg chicken, sweet potato and broccoli (zucchini) / carrot.  Cooked and pureed up it was much better.  Sorry - can't help with the meat / veg ratio, but it did make quite a lot of cubes for the freezer

Once I knew that the chicken was OK, I  used this as a base to be able to introduce other vegetables that are either a stronger taste / not usually served on their own - such as onion / mushroom / peppers. Then as I needed to introduce different meats, i just used familiar veg with the meat / fish instead.  Worked really well.  Salt is not necessary and should not be added to children's meals.  I can't remember if its age 1 or 2 that a child's ability to process salts happens.  I still don't add salt to ds food.



Offline Fiona (Leah & Kians Mom)

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How long till she likes chicken?
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2005, 11:10:34 am »
Hi There,
I did like Alex and cooked the chicken in a stew form with all the veg dd was familiar with, then pureed the lot and into ice cube trays. It makes loads. She wouldn't eat it the first few times but had eaten a jar of chicken with mango, so what I did was add a bit of mango and a bit of natural yogurt and hey presto. I did this for 3 days reducing the mango and yogurt and eventually she had the chicken stew. For meat I just did the same but didn't add any fruit or yogurt and dd was fine with it.