Author Topic: Night wakings, what's going on? Help!  (Read 1226 times)

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Offline lulabella

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Night wakings, what's going on? Help!
« on: December 09, 2005, 10:39:48 am »
Hi there, need help to solve my son's night waking.
He used to sleep 7-6.45ish every night since he has been about 3 months. He is now 7 and a half months and in the past couple of weeks he wakes at night, not a regular time, sometimes 1am, sometimes 3am, or 4 or 5am. I don't think it is hunger as we offered him a bottle and he wasn't interested.
We have recently introduced protein into his diet, could it be that? I am at a complete loss as to what is causing it. When I go in to settle him he hasn't rolled over or anything. I have put his typical day time routine below to see if anyone can see something i am missing. Thanks!

7am 8oz bottle (which he doesn't always finish)
7.30am breakfast
9am nap for 45 mins usually
11.45 lunch and bottle 2oz
12.30ish nap for about 1 and a halfhrs
2.30pm bottle 7oz
6pm bath, bottle bed
in bed by 7pm

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Night wakings, what's going on? Help!
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2005, 02:51:01 am »
I think if it isn't hunger waking him up it is probably something developmental. What well all I can say is time will tell.

Your routine loks pretty good, although he may be over tired by bed time as his day sleeps are on the shorter side, so that may be part of the waking.

If he is falling asleep independently for his naps & at bedtime, then I think you need to be consistent about how you handle it & pretty much "ride it out"

Sorry not much help, but waking (from my experience) does occur on off for quite some time with most babies.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline mattandcindy

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Night wakings, what's going on? Help!
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2005, 03:48:11 am »
I can't offer any advice. Just much sympathy...
From 4 months on, my little Abigail has slept from 7pm to 7am like a champ, no wakings, no crying, no peeps. We could set our clock to her. I didn't know how lucky I was...
Since daylights savings (I don't know if it was coincidental) she has been waking up early. Sometimes it is 4am, sometimes, 5am, sometimes (if I am lucky) 6-630am. I have tried EVERYTHING and I mean everything, (feeding at night, giving Motrin/tylenol in the middle of the night, turning a fan on, putting her in something warmer, something lighter, etc) NOTHING has helped. She seems to have overnight gone from needing 12 hrs of sleep at night to needing 10 hrs of sleep at night. It sucks!
PLEASE let me know if you find anything that helps!
My tired thoughts are with you  :(   :(  :(