Now that DS has found his thumb, our nightwakings are considerably reduced. He still needs to eat at least once a night however. He was fussing terribly in his sleep between 3am and 4am this morning, having last eaten at 7pm (DFs don't work for us unfortunately :cry:). As he was sucking on his thumb he was never quite waking up, but was wobbling the hammock, turning his head from side to side, letting out cries and whimpers, before falling asleep for another five minutes or so.
I wrestled with whether to try to feed him given that with a full tummy I suspect he'd fall back into a deeper sleep. Unfortunately he woke up fully when I picked him up, and then thought that it was time to play for the day. I kept things very low key; sure enough, he drank a full tummy of milk, but then it took a while to persuade him back to sleep.
Should I have let him sleep?