Author Topic: Newborn - how much should he be eating/eating too fast  (Read 5827 times)

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Newborn - how much should he be eating/eating too fast
« on: January 07, 2006, 19:19:08 pm »
we have a newborn - only 10 days old. I've put him on Tracy's 3 hour schedule, but can't seem to figure out how much to feed him! We're using Dr. Brown's bottles with the slowest flow nipples, but this baby can down formula so fast you wouldn't believe it.

We started off with 2 oz. every 3 hours, but he was waking up hungry after about 2-2.5 hours, so I increased it gradually until he was taking 3 oz. feeds. However, now we're having major gas problems every other day or so where he clearly has gas in his bowels. I'm wondering if he's eating so fast his tummy isn't communicating with his head to tell him he's full! I've NEVER seen him turn away from a feed. He's even downed 4 oz bottles on occasion!

So, what do you suggest? He weighed 7 lbs 2 oz at birth, and was close to 7 lbs at his pediatrician appt last Tuesday. Based on the books I've read, he should only be eating about 18 oz a day, and he's getting about 24! Help!
Owen, 12/28/05 7 lb 2 oz

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Re: Newborn - how much should he be eating/eating too fast
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2006, 20:56:07 pm »
Hello and congrats on your LO!  :D
I've never used Dr. Brown's bottles, so I don't have any experience there...but I do believe that babies will stop when they are full.  It sounds as if he is just a pretty quick eater.  As far as the number of ounces goes, 18 ounces is just a guideline.  Every baby is different, some will take more, some take less.  I think 24 ounces is perfectly fine  :D

For the gas, you could try putting Mylicon drops in his bottles.  And if you don't already, try burping after every ounce or so, which might also help slow his eating down a bit.
**Noelle**  Formerly JohnandZoesMom

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Newborn - how much should he be eating/eating too fast
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2006, 23:05:10 pm »
Hi becky
All babies are different, I bf for the first 3months and my ds fed every 3 hours for 20 to 30 mins one of my friends bf also and her dd would feed every hour for 5mins or so, all babies have different eating habits.... my ds is now 6 months and drinks from 38 to 40oz a day and 3 spoonfeeds now that is a hell of a lot more than he should be getting but he is happy and health.... I wouldnt worry about a baby eating I would be far more worried if I had a baby that wouldnt eat.
Best of luck and hope all goes well

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Newborn - how much should he be eating/eating too fast
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2006, 22:54:23 pm »
My new little one did the same thing.  Ate like a piggy and then had gas.  Now his gas is gone but he still eats like a piggy :D .  I think it just takes a bit of their digestion to get going properly. 

Also in Tracy's last book she said that the "normal" range for bottle fed babies at this age is 16-24 ounces in a 24 hour period.


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Newborn - how much should he be eating/eating too fast
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2006, 21:42:34 pm »
oh he sounds like DD.  she has always eaten like it was going out of fashion (once we realised I had not breastmilk and moved her to formula - I think she thinks it might stop again at any moment  :wink: )  I was worried but the doctors said not to worry as long as it is going in, she is happy and she is gaining weight ok.

and the wind, oh yes, eventually we figured it out and we break her feed 3 times (even if she hates us for it) and wind her thoroughly.  it can be really difficult to do and take 10 mins for each winding, but it's worth it afterwards.

good luck
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