Author Topic: Waking regularly all of a sudden!  (Read 1024 times)

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Waking regularly all of a sudden!
« on: January 10, 2006, 23:36:55 pm »
Hi there! I’m really hoping someone can advise as soon as possible!

Since my 8mth baby learned how to crawl, sit and stand she has been having more and more difficulty getting to sleep. We used to be able to put her in the cot with the pacifier and walk out of the room. More recently though, as soon as we put her down she will either sit or stand up in the cot. She’ll play for a while but will eventually start to cry. At this point either my husband or I have to go back into the room and put her down again. This could go on for ages before she finally falls asleep.

Previously when she woke during the night all she needed was the pacifier. I’m not sure how to get her back to sleep now so we have decided to try pu/pd.

Its day 6 … she went down after just 15mins of pu/pd tonight but was back up at 9.30pm. Its 11.30pm now and she’s still in and out of sleep. She wants to settle but doesn’t seem to be able to… can anyone help? When she cries we go in to her, lay her down and place our hand on her back. She seems to settle. We walk out and a few mins later she is up again!

It’s the first time this has happened so early on in the night. For the past few days it has been in the early hours of the morning…. Any tips? Could it be worse because of the pu/pd? Thanks!


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Waking regularly all of a sudden!
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2006, 02:02:16 am »

We've often struggled during those development times at our house as well with getting our LO to sleep.  Sometimes you just have to ride out the rough patch as best you can  :lol:

However, I've got a couple of thoughts.

Firstly, is the paci becoming a problem?  If she is waking because she needs help replacing the paci, then the paci has become a prop.  In which case you might need to try and wean off the paci.

Have you tried swaddling?  We have at times swaddled our DS when he has been having developmental wakings and that has helped (meaning we don't always use a swaddle but do on occasion).

Finally, because DD is falling alseep when you are in the room, but waking again 20 minutes later, it sounds like she is having a jolt which is rewaking her.  You could try staying with her a little longer, past the jolt, helping her into a deeper sleep before you leave her. 

I can't help with specific advice on PU/PD sorry - if you have questions about it you could try the PU/PD board for help with those.

Good luck!