Author Topic: sudden drop in milk supply 2 wks old!  (Read 11295 times)

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sudden drop in milk supply 2 wks old!
« on: January 08, 2006, 23:46:18 pm »
My baby is only 2 weeks old and before a few days ago i was producing a very large milk supply. i could pump between 2 and 5 oz on each side and now only between 1 and 3or 4 . heres what happened. at the very begining, i was producing so much it was painful all the time and so i would have to pump ALL the time beause my lo couldnt empty them, or even one of them. pretty soon i had ended up pumping more often than I was feeding him and yesterday I noticed that I cant even feel full anymore, especially in the side that I used to produce the most in. I just read that pumping produces milk as well as feeding, but In pregnancy books I learned that since a pump does nothing but empty them, that it will decrease milk supply. which is true, and why is my supply going down?
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sudden drop in milk supply 2 wks old!
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2006, 01:59:54 am »
Every mom is engorged after birth. You can pump more than your baby needs. Supply equals demand, so as time goes on, your body produces what it needs to, without the excess. Being able to pump 1-3 oz at 2 weeks is perfect.

You do not need to pump unless directed to do so by a lactation consultant, or if you are trying to get a bottle for a dreamfeed, or if you are absent for a feed. The best way to regulate supply is to let your baby feed from you at every feed.

HTH the first few weeks are so confusing! It is a true learning process. And then you hit the three week growth spurt and you need to feed feed FEED to make more!
Stacy, Mama to
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sudden drop in milk supply 2 wks old!
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2006, 02:32:49 am »
I agree that the best way to regulate your milk supply is to let your baby eat from breast only. First week, all new nursing moms are engorged and this feeling of being too full slowly goes away as the supply is being established. You don't need to pump now, and btw, 1-3 oz is a lot for a 2 week old, unless you want to give it in a dreamfeed or whatever.

Offline heather10

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sudden drop in milk supply 2 wks old!
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2006, 20:01:03 pm »
I exclusively bottle fed my first son pumped milk for 8 months so you CAN have an abundant supply from pumping alone.

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pregnancy books I learned that since a pump does nothing but empty them, that it will decrease milk supply. which is true, and why is my supply going down?

Your pump is not just emptying your breasts, it is sending a signal to your brain that your baby just ate 4oz and that you now need to replace those ounces and make that amount again for the next feed.   Your body is a wondrous does the thinking for you.

Most moms at 3 and 6 weeks feel like their supply goes down when suddenly baby is always hungry and mom can't keep up.  That is a growth spurt and you need to feed and feed and feed cause your baby is getting your body to increase the supply to meet his growing demands.  that is NOT the time to intriduce supplements and is a grave mistake.  I digress...

Your breast engorgement will eventually cease as your body starts to regulate how much to make.  When you are first starting, your body is making 3-4 times MORE than you actually need for that one baby and it takes a few weeks to settle.  That is why you are not seeing the amount you used to.  But even though you were pumping 5-6 ozs before, your baby wasn't taking all of that - it is hard cause you can't measure, but at that young age, they are only taking a few ounces at a time. 

Your body is just regulating.  try not to stress...drink lots of water and know that your body has you and baby covered :)
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