for over a month now i have been trying and trying to improve day feedings..and yes she is a very nosy, distracted, spirited little girl and no matter what i do i cannot get her to take more milk in. i have tried to be in a dark room when feeding - she still finds something to take her attention off of feeding, quiet or with soft music, tried bfing, pumping giving it in a bottle, or even in a straw cup. the only one that remotely gets her to take in more milk is the straw cup - and i wanted to continue bfing mainly (sometimes a bottle ) but i'm at a loss again. i have tried putting her down and letting her play and then feeding again after a bit but that doesn't do it either. the last thing i am in the midst of trying to to give her longer between feedings which she will go 4 1/2 to 5 hours with no problem at all...should i just keep going this route? even when she's longer than 4 hrs between feeds she still doesn't take in much more milk than when she was only 4 hrs between feedings.... :?