Author Topic: 10 mth old suddenly refusing savory foods  (Read 1119 times)

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10 mth old suddenly refusing savory foods
« on: January 22, 2006, 13:01:52 pm »
Our 10 mth old spirited boy used to eating very well.  Since his top two teeth have come thru (they are about 3mm big now) he seems to be rejecting savory foods.  He's been like this for a week now.  He'll happily eat sweet stuff, like fromage frais, bananas, mangos and depending on his mood he'll eat the occasional dairylea triangle or a small amount of cheese on toast.

He used to eat so well and i'm now getting migranes trying to get him to eat !  I've even resorted to dirty tricks like giving him one spoon of sweet and one spoon of savory - and he just spits it out.  Yesteryday at lunch I was desperate to get him to eat sweet potatoes mashed up (because he didn't eat any breakfast besides one small fromage frais) that I had to put half sweet and hald potatoes on his spoon !

But yesterday evening, he had a change of ! (maybe he felt sorry for me !) I gave him some cauliflower cheese that I had made and froze for emergencies.  He gulped it down in 5 minutes.  He likes it with dried parmasan cheese on top.  Thining he was back to being his happy self, this morning he kept spitting out his bread.  I've discovered he doesn't like marmalde either ! I then gave him ready brek which he ate.

Lunch today, more problems.  Gave him some brocolii in cheese said with the dried parmasan on top.  And didn't eat one spoon.  But ate his fromage frais, no probs and we ended up giving him some ready brek again !

He used to eat finger foods but now doesn't seem to want to feed himself and just spits out everything whilst screwing his face up in disgust !

I hope this is only a phase and due to his teething. 

I've also tried to keep him hungry by giving milk after his meal (as it work yesterday eveing with the cauliflower cheese).

So to go on and on, but I've been dying to ask someone for advise for days as I'm not the most patient mom in the world and can't help but take it personally!
A Very Spirited Aries Boy
Born: 24th March 2005

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Re: 10 mth old suddenly refusing savory foods
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2006, 18:03:21 pm »
oh i remember the ready brek only days ..

yes it could be teething.

try work on the texture rather than taste. try go back to very smooth, then add a few lumpy bits, so on.

my DS also went throught this when he was 9-10 months ... suddenly want to go back to stage 1 and start again.

mum to samuel 25JAN05
textbook/angel baby