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Offline Tori's Mom

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10 month old never sleeps through!
« on: January 23, 2006, 17:11:56 pm »
OK....I need some help.
My dd is 10.5 months old and she will not sleep through the night.  She will wake 1-3 times a night with at least one of those times for hunger.  She has been pooping in the middle of the night last week and then other times she just wants to be patted on the back and reassured.
I have tried watering down the bottle but she wakes up 2 more times for more food.  I have tried to leave her in her crib and just reassure but she wakes up even more and then it takes 30 min to an hour for her to go back to sleep.  She sometimes will go back with just my hand on her back but other times she must be picked up or rocked. 
I am at my wits end and don't know what else to do.  I have considered moving into her room for a couple of nights and trying to soothe her as soon as she stirs......any suggestions?
Here is a rough idea of her routine.
7:30am -wake
8am- breakfast
10:30am- bottle and down for nap
12pm- wake from nap
12:30pm -lunch
3pm- bottle and down for nap
4:30pm- wake from nap
6pm- dinner
7:30/8pm- bedtime

She will also have another bottle either in the morning between breakfast and her 1st nap or between lunch and her 2nd nap.  She will not take a bottle first thing in the morning even when she sleeps through the night (which has happened about 6 times).  She doesn't eat much of her solid foods which is a whole other issue.
TIA for any advice you have.

Mom to Tori   3/13/05

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Re: 10 month old never sleeps through!
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2006, 11:44:31 am »
My 10 mth old was sleeping thru the night up until about a week ago.  This has coinsided with his new set of top teeth that came thru just after new years - which has been causing eating problems - as he's not eating as much as he used - he's now waking up for a milk feed at about 3 - 4am !!!  Very frustrating.

How much milk does your baby drink during the day.  I ensure that mine drinks between 400mls - 550mls.  The more the better. Esp if she's not eating so well.  If shes drinking all the milk you give her at night then shes hungry, otherwise it could be that shes expecting you to be at her side throughout the night.

Mine's like that some nights - he'll hold me hostage in his room (once for about 1 hour !) As soon as I think he's fallen asleep, i'll creep out and he turns around and starts crying. (although I've noticed its not 'real' crying no tears.  The other night I just left him to it, as he wasn't really crying - just trying to get me to pick him up - and within about 10 mins he was asleep without me in his room.

Here are some tips that have worked for me in the past:

1) To try and get her to poo in the day, give her a couple of ounces of water in the morning and then again about 2 hours later, hopefully she will poo by 7pm ! Its worked for us.

2) Increase her milk feeds in the day - and/or try and bulk her up with some heavy foods if she takes it.  Like bananas, bread, cereals like weetabix/cheerios, potatoes/sweet potatoes and baby fromage frais can be quite filling.

3) Give her some more milk before she goes to bed. As much as she will take.

4) Let her fall to sleep awake in her crib - not in your arms.  Preferably without you in her room.  Because when she's waking up she's probably expecting you to still be there by her side.

5) When she does wake up try not to pick her up, otherwise she'll expect it everytime.  Put your hand on her chest and either pat it lightly or stroke and say something calming like 'it's alright' 'it's ok' or 'shush' sound if she's used to that. She will eventually calm down without you having to pick her up.  Once shes drifting off to sleep - stop the patting and kep you hand quite firmly on her chest so she knows you are still there and eventually take it off and back off a bit by bit.  She'll probably turn her head around to check if your still there.  If shes bananas then you'll have to pick her up but don't rock her to sleep, put her down once shes stopped crying.

6)  Is she waking up because she's cold? Ever since buying one of those warm sleeping bags he sleeps better.

7)  Is he teething ? Mine gets irritable at night esp when he had to fall asleep - he'll get really clingy ! it usually happens to the run up to when the teeth actually come through - up to 7 days before !

I hope these tips help you.  I'm no expert - but have done a hell of a lot of reading up !

A Very Spirited Aries Boy
Born: 24th March 2005

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Re: 10 month old never sleeps through!
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2006, 12:39:18 pm »
I'm no expert either, but here's a thought - when you say 'bottle and down for nap' - is the bottle the last thing she is doing before taking her nap?
I know for us we saw great improvement in the nighttime when we separated the eating and the sleeping during the day. Maybe try flip-flopping the solids and the bottles - ie, if she won't have the bottle as soon as she wakes, just hold off until she really wants it, give that first and then the solids, then some activity and then a nap.  If she associates the bottle with it being almost time to go to bed, she is going to do that in the middle of the night too.
Just a thought. I know I kept telling myself that ds was hungry in the night - as he is a slight little guy - but his dr said he really should be able to go 8 - 10 hrs and he's only 16 lbs.

Good luck. Let us know how things make out!

Offline Tori's Mom

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Re: 10 month old never sleeps through!
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2006, 16:49:54 pm »
Thank you for your advice.  Let me give you alittle more info about my high maintance dd.
Because she is not eating much solid foods, she is mostly on a liquid diet.  I do think that seperating the bottle from the nap is a really good idea and started that process this morning before her nap. 
She has an AMAZING digestive system and has a bm 2-5 times a day!!!!!!  So the water plan really doesn't apply to her.  She never pooped during the night until this past month and this week has it has been every single night!   I have pretty much resigned myself to this for the time being.  She has just gone thru a growth spurt so maybe her little body is in transition.
We have a sleeping bag and it is great.  SHe knows that it is time to sleep when I put it on her.
I try not to pick her up but she will sit or stand and cry until I do.  I know that I should not rock her and hold her but it is really hard when she is screaming at 4am (last night she was up for a full hour before she went back to sleep).
I am going to limit the physical comfort some during the night but I think we are starting into the seperation anxiety phase and don't want to make that worse by not attending to her fears.  ARRRUUUUGGGGHHHH!  It never ends!
Thanks for you help......any other ideas?
Mom to Tori   3/13/05


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Re: 10 month old never sleeps through!
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2006, 02:24:52 am »
Hi Jacki

I think that you've identified the main problem - that your DD falls asleep with the bottle most of the time.  That is going to be a hard sleep assocation to break - but it might just be what you need to do to get those restful nights back.  You could try the Gradual Weaning Method which is in a post at the top of the props board. 

I also don't think that limiting comfort is a good idea when your LO is going through Separation Anxiety.  It is when she needs to know more than ever that you will respond to her when she needs you.  I wouldn't worry too much about how you help her get back to sleep during the night - instead I would suggest that you work really hard on getting your LO to start falling asleep independently and not right off the bottle. 

Good luck

Offline kim&savannah

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Re: 10 month old never sleeps through!
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2006, 02:28:54 am »
Just another suggestion to try to change the poops around--my dd was also a 2-5 times a day pooper and we gave her prunes with her breakfast every morning--it really seemed to help get her system going so that it was empty by bedtime and almost never had poops in the middle of the night after that.

Just something else to try while you work out the rest of the problems.  good luck!


Savannah,  6/04
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