disclaimer: I do not consider myself a sleep expert
But I'll give your question a shot.)
My first thought, honestly, was: Wow! Her daughter sleeps a lot! 14 hours at night plus two naps: amazing! Soooo...I would think that if she is still getting around 12 hours of sleep a night, that she probably doesn't need any more than an hour long nap. According to that sleep information, most children her age need around 13.5 hours of sleep total in one day. Maybe she's done with sleeping a lot and is progessing to a lesser amount that is still adequate?
One more thought on this is something I remember another mom telling me when I was going through the sleep problems with my son. She said her child slept 14 hours at night and didn't nap at all during the day. As long as he got in his 14 hours at night he was fine. I've heard this before too from another mom. So it's not unheard of, just not usual. Maybe your daughter is trying to do something like that?
The last thought has to do with the teething. Does she need some pain relief in the middle of the night maybe? Is she eating enough during the day? My son didn't cut his first tooth until he was around 15 months (can't remember if it was 14 or 16 mo - good thing I wrote it down). He had four coming in all at once. He just couldn't eat enough calories during the day because his poor gums just bothered him. (I guess I could have just given him tylenol all the time for a whole month while he cut his teeth but I did not want to do this.) So I knew when he woke up in the middle of the night that he was hungry. He just hadn't had enough to eat during the day. He couldn't be settled by any means either. (I happened to be tracking his food intake because he was underweight and we were watching him, so I noticed right away when this became a pattern.) I tried everything I could to get him to eat, or drink more milk, during the day but he still would only consume so much. So I started giving him a cup of milk at his night waking. He took it, went back to sleep easily, and that was it. I hesitate to mention this because I think a lot of moms might disagree with me. Indeed every baby book I have says, "They do not need a night feeding at this age." But I feel like I was using common sense and not just "throwing milk at him to get him back to sleep." He did and still does settle himself just fine if awakened at night. In other words the milk did not become a prop. He is now 19 months and cutting 7 teeth (!), 4 of them molars, and we are going through the same thing again. He can only make it for 8 hours sleeping before he needs something. This time though, I'm just giving him a mix of 1/4 milk with 3/4 water since I think I can get him to start eating more during daylight with a little more planning and persistence. He's a little older, has gained the needed weight, and a better eater. Just a thought, and maybe it would help.