My DD for months was sleeping well and over the past few nights has started to wake anywhere between 2am and 5am. I think I have sussed that its her teeth bothering her ( Red cheeks, Lots of Dribble, Chewing on Paci etc etc) but im not to sure how to handle it. Ive tried settling her and sitting with her til she falls asleep but the only thing that will send her off is a warm bottle of milk
BUT I really dont want to do this because i know she doesnt need it and i dont want to create a situation where she starts waking for it
BUT i need some sleep. I have given her meds before bed but i think they may be wearing off around these times hence she wakes. I would give her more in the night, but i dont want to over stimulate her and wake her up even more. ( Putting Calpol on a spoon in the dark and getting it in her mouth is not much fun
- There tends to be more on me than gets in her LOL)
Any ideas would be helpful