my son had these symptoms, eczema generally on the face. Colic like pains and gas, chronic nappy rash. I remember hours of leg exercises trying to expell fluffs to try and settle his pain. $$$ on colic relief which did nothing. At 4 months, with the help of our GP who had had personal experience with food allergies, we found that my son was getting enough traces of food through my breast milk to cause food sensitivity. Undigested food was passing to his gut and fermenting, causing the colic like pain and gas. His faeces was highly acidic which burned his bottom. We tried excluding any possible foods from MY diet, without success. A teary day came when we decided to give up breastfeeding and change to formula. We tried goats formulae and he never looked back. His rashes cleared with a few days to a week. And once his bowels were cleared of the foods he was sensitive to his bowel pains stopped. Only once we started solids did we realise how many things he was sensitive to. Milk, carrots, Mango soya etc etc. His sensitivity built up slowly. My daughter was born and within 12 hours was diagnosed with pneumonia. She had a nasal gastric tube, and was topped up feed with cows formula. Because her system was over loaded with a large volume her symptoms arrrived fast, not gradual like my sons. My diet was again looked at with no success. We put her on Soya milk. My son and now my daughter have both grown out of there food sensitivity. We introduced things gradually back into their diet, as not to over load their little bodies. One doctor told me that he could see no reason why my breast milk would be causing problems with my children as that is the food their meant to have. But I knew that I was right and preferred a happy healthy baby who was bottle feed than a torched baby who was breastfeed. Hope this has helped someone.