Author Topic: Is 10mths too early for 1 nap?  (Read 1564 times)

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Is 10mths too early for 1 nap?
« on: February 06, 2006, 00:01:50 am »
My DS is 10mths (only just) and we have been having issues wiht nap #1 for about a week now.  I thought is might have been from illness, but he is now well and it still is happening. ???

My worry about 1 nap a day is that he is back to his early wake times ie anywhere from 5 -6am.  Today, for example, he was awake at 5:30am, having gone to bed last night at 7:45pm, and is still awake at 10am.  ::)  I have tried several timesto put him down but he just screams. When I do go back in (after only a few minutes), he wants to play.  Is this a sign for moving to 1 nap and will this maybe help with early wakings?

I would be happy to go to this and also to keep him awake,but I knowas soon as I put him in the car/pram, he will go to sleep.

Any suggestions would be helpful as I can feel myself loosing the plot on occasions (and feeling like a bit of a failure as well :'().

Thanks for the help

Lisa mum to James my textbook koala

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Re: Is 10mths too early for 1 nap?
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2006, 00:30:15 am »
It could be just a developmental thing.  Both of mine went through a period around the same age of teasing me like this.  Both times it passed after about 2-3 weeks, and they went back to their previous schedule until 12-13 months when we did go to one nap for good.  I'd keep trying the morning nap, and see if it doesn't catch on again soon.   

One thing that did help us was to lengthen the wind-down time.  I'd spend a little longer reading and/or rocking before putting them in the crib, and that seemed to help.  This was right around the learn-to-walk time with mine, so I think they needed to be still for a little longer before they could really settle down.


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Re: Is 10mths too early for 1 nap?
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2006, 00:47:51 am »
Wow, sounds like your little guy can stay awake a long time.  There's one lady in the Jan/Feb chat group that went to one nap a day, her lo was 11 months old.  Also we posted our routines at the beginning of the thread and our lo's were around 10months at the time, you could have a look and see if any of them might work.

My only suggestions would be to try an earlier bedtime (7:00?).  I'm thinking he's overtired since you mentioned he'll fall asleep in the car/pram. 

Good luck, Tarri

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Re: Is 10mths too early for 1 nap?
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2006, 01:13:00 am »
Aubrey and Tarri, thanks for the quirk response.  James usual bedtime is 7pm, but he ended up having a later 2nd nap yesterday and that was why bedtime was later.  James is at the cruising around stage and maybe it is a developmental thing.  I will have to admit, that this isn't happening every day.  yesterday, he was quite happy to go to bed for a nap in the morning.  I just get frustrated that he gives me the tired signs and then when I put him down, screams and then wants to play. I also am aware that the longer he stays awake, the more overtired he gets.  I just went to go to the shops inthe car and he fell asleep.  I came back straight away and have come home so he has gone down at 11am ::) ???.  I think I will try and longer wind down as you have suggested and I will also look at the jan/Feb thread.

Thanks once again for the suggestions.


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Re: Is 10mths too early for 1 nap?
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2006, 03:16:30 am »
Hi Lisa - it was me Tarri was talking about with the 1 nap...

Liv is doing 1 nap some days and 2 on others. when we were up in Brisbane she was on 2 b/c she was waking with the sun around 5-5:30  :( but at home i just watch her and also her wake time. on days she wakes before 7am i make a judgement call and if she is looking tired by 9am (sometimes she is tired by 8am  ::)) i put her down around 9-9:30 and limit sleep to 1hr or less and then pray i can get her to take a 2nd nap (sometimes it does backfire and she refuses to take a 2nd nap) if she wakes at 7 or later i just keep her up until 12:30 or so and she goes down without a peep and sleeps for 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 hrs.

when a lo is moing to one nap it can be a while before you actually settle on 1 nap so you go with the flow more. and 0 mo is not too early necessarily - when my support person from Tresillian was here last week she said 1 nap starts anywhere from 10mo - 18 mo and is a VERY individual thing, there is no "right" time - it just happens when lo 2 naps start getting crazy and then you start adapting to it.  you might find some days you are better off keeping him up and other days you put him down - BTW - most days since she does the 1 nap she started sleeping later(went form 6:30 average wakeup to as late as 7:15-7:30) her total sleep in 24 hours was still within 1/2 hr everyday. HTH.

PS - my PM to you did not go through the other day but i had posted the pics from Brisbane in the photo gallery - hope you saw them on the BW meet up sticky. :)
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Re: Is 10mths too early for 1 nap?
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2006, 15:30:19 pm »
I have a 11month son (my second) and he's been toying with the idea of one nap a day for the last 3 or 4 weeks. I've gone with the flow and let him go without his morning nap, which was around 10am, after waking at around 6.30/7.00am. He's been happy to last until after lunch before napping again and then he naps for 2 or more hours. However, the last few days he's been wanting a morning nap again, the signs were that he was clumsy and grumpy so I've put him down again mid morning and got him up around 40 minutes later. It's worth looking out for those basic signs again such as eye rubbing too, as I think sometimes you get so set in a routine that you forget to watch for the signs your lo is giving you.
Anyhoo, my youngest ds is still napping for a couple of hours or more in the afternoon and he's not been affected during the night, thankfully.
My thoughts are that he knows his basic routine for the day and like any human he's more tired some days than others depending on what we've all been up to. He'll let me know if he needs more sleep or less sleep during the day if I take the time to watch - which isn't always easy with a toddler around too.
I agree that your lo is probably overtired and that's why there's a fuss at nap time. Do you find that they sleep better at night if they've slept well during the day or is that not the case?
I also have an almost 3 year old who doesn't nap anymore (except for occasional sleeps following a busy week or whatever) and he consistently sleeps 13 hours at night. I recently read that kids need a nap until around the age of 4!
My advice would be to listen to your child and see what he's saying about napping, and be flexible, he might want two naps occasionally until he's a little bit older.

Offline james030405

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Re: Is 10mths too early for 1 nap?
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2006, 20:16:41 pm »
Hi guys,

Thanks for the advice.  Deb, I have seen the photos - they are great.  I will have to download mine for you to see.

Yesterday he eventually went to sleep at 11am afte being up since 5 ::) and slept for an hour.  I then went for a walk at 2:45pm and he slept for an hour and at 7pm, I put him in his bed and wiht me by his side, he went to sleep at 7:20pm. It is now 6:15 the next day and he is still asleep (I think).  Yes, I do find that if he sleeps better during the day, he sleeps better at night.  I am hoping that by getting him to sleep with only a 3hr A time during nap 1 and 2 and before bedtime, then he might be getting back on track.

Once again, thanksfor the help.

Lisa mum to James my textbook koala