I am feeling tremendously guilty. It never occurred to me that some of the troubles my LO has had these past months could be food/milk allergy related. I don't know why. I read about sleep and milestones and this and that, and it never occurred to me to pop into the allergy board. So here I am with a 9 month old who has suffered from eczema pretty much from day 1 that I've never found the right lotion of potion for. Had tons of BF'ing problems that never were solved (and for the sake of my sanity) I quit. Guilt. Now, gets really rashy on his face, neck, chin, etc. and I can't figure out how to cure it. Could it be food or milk related? How do I know where to start???
He has been on solids for 3+ months and now barely want to eat pureed food - no teeth, yet he is a table food guy already. I have never noticed a specific reaction to a food per se, but I guess I due to his bad skin, I just have written everything off to Ian being sensitive skinned (as has his doc).
We changed formula recently, but again, I was looking for a reaction that was poop based since that was where his trouble was when he was an infant.
You all seem to have so much knowledge, I keep reading about naturopaths and chiropractors and allergists. Where do I start? Should I try to 'start over' on introducing food to see if anything makes a difference? We see his doc on Friday so I want to go in as proactive as possible.