Author Topic: Everything screwy - 3 to 2 to 1 nap?? Looking for a new routine for 10 1/2 mo.  (Read 1243 times)

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Offline debandbrian

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DS is an early riser and no matter which way we slice it we can't seem to get more than 10 hours out of him - bedtime is 8 pm and on a good night, wakeup is 6 am and that's been pretty consistent since I dropped the last middle of the night bf about 6 weeks ago. Doesn't seem to matter how many naps he has, or whether we put him to bed earlier or we're pretty much accepting of this and are trying to make it work.

So, the dilemma is this - in trying to fix the early wakeup, we mostly went from 3 to 2 naps a few weeks ago - I say mostly because some days he just couldn't keep his eyes open around 6 pm so we'd let him do the catnap. We tried the earlier bedtime in the hopes that he'd miraculously become one of those 12 hour sleepers - but alas we were up starting our day at 4:30 or 5 instead. Nonetheless, we got into a decent groove with naps at approximately 8:30 and 1:30 and those were even improving (we're plagued with the short nap problem...doing the best I can at seeing moderate results...)

As of monday, though, I've not been able to get him to sleep more than 20 or 30 minutes in the morning. He is quite tired and seems to need the nap, but it takes FOREVER to get him to go down. Today I think he only slept for maybe 15 mins - he was asleep when I went into the shower, and awake when I came out :( The second nap has been ok - around 80 mins, usually in 2 parts...
I should add that I'm also trying to wean him - we've been on just the morning and night time bf's for a week - he's having a bit of a rough go with it I think, and isn't eating much solids or taking much formula at one time - though by doing sips here and there I think we might be getting enough into him. His weight isn't great so this has been cause for concern. I'm pretty ready to have him fully weaned but we are going to play that by ear - but daytime bf's are just not practical as he starts daycare march 6th and I go back to work march 20th...just the reality of life.

So to sum up -
-Bedtime is at 8, wakeup is at 6
-Is he ready to go to one nap, or do I keep allowing this 30 min nap in the morning and if so, what time should the pm nap be?
-What are the best meal times to get him to take both the largest amount of formula and the most solids?

Just when you think you've got a handle on things, the handle pops off!!!

Offline Taylor's Mommy

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Quote (selected)
Is he ready to go to one nap, or do I keep allowing this 30 min nap in the morning and if so, what time should the pm nap be?
With him only getting 10 hours at night and being only 10 months old, I would definitely say no, he is not ready for one nap.  I would definitely keep up with the am nap even if it is only 30 minutes so you can get as much day sleep in him as possible to make it to an 8pm bedtime. 
So if he is waking at 6, then am nap at apx. 9am-9:30.
Then pm nap between 12:30-1 in hopes of that being 1.5-2 hours in length.

Quote (selected)
What are the best meal times to get him to take both the largest amount of formula and the most solids?
I'm not really sure I can help you there since I don't know the extent of your eating routine and history.  For more thorough advice on feeding though I would definitely check out the solids forum.

Good luck and let us know if you have any other Q's!  :)
Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

Sydney-too soon to tell, but looking EASY
DOB 05/20/07

Offline debandbrian

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Thanks for the reply - we are currently trying to work out the kinks with pushing the am nap back to about 11 and then doing the second nap later in the day - this seems to be helping as he isn't so overtired at bedtime and he's actually been getting closer to 11 hours of night time sleep. Also we are discovering that too much activity between eating and sleeping seems to cut his naps short...he might be getting hungry??? I really tried to stick to E - A - S but I guess once you are on solids it's less important so a snack right before nap time seems to be lengthening his naps. He's getting used to drinking more formula - though straight from a regular cup is more popular than a sippy cup, and the bottle is absolutely untolerated!! Which is fine.
I'll keep you posted on how we continue to carry on...  :D

Offline Taylor's Mommy

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Sounds good Deborah!  Please update us when you can.
Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

Sydney-too soon to tell, but looking EASY
DOB 05/20/07