I have always worred that my little guy was not sleeping enough....but he sleeps very similar hours than your little one and I finally decided to stop worrying and go with it. To extend their sleep time at this age would be quite challenging. I know Samuel is usually clingly around supper time...so I try really hard as soon as we get home (I work FT) to take 10 or 15 min of play time before I start supper. I find this really helps with clingyness while I am making supper and even afterwards. He has always gone to bed around 7:30 or 8 for quite a few months and will sleep until 5:30 or 6 am. I have found lately if I leave him when he wakes up at that time in the morning, he sometimes will go back to sleep on his own. (to my amazement!!). This has only happened the past few weeks....he used to even wake up earlier when he was 12 mos. I do need to add he still wakes up at night
and I would love a full nights sleep.
I have tried increasing calories, especially before bedtime (banana, yogurt, cheese) but didn't really make a difference in his overall sleep (he still woke up too somewhere between 11 and 2 am ).
I do think growth spurts happen around now too...my guy is eating quite a lot lately. He also has started dreaming so I think this gets him up earlier (5 am a few times). This is the only time that if I don't go in, he goes back to sleep.
Hope this helps