My dd is 9 months old tomorrow and we started EASY almost a month ago because she still wasn't sleeping through the night. Just before we started EASY she had started taking 2 hour naps. Prior to this naps were 20-45 mins, maybe a 60 min here and there. My problem is that when we started EASY it was taking 20 mins or so to get her to sleep for a nap. She has had some early waking, but for the most part seems to go 1-1.5 hours each nap. If she has short naps, she has a third "catnap" around 5:30 for 30 mins or so (I wake her up). This week it has been taking an hour to get her down, and this afternoon I spent an hour and forty-five minutes and she NEVER went to sleep. I bf at the regular time, and she was starting to fall asleep. I waited a few mins and tried to put her down, but she was rolled over and stood up every time I put her back down. So I gave up. Her mood seems fine, mine however is another story.
The ideal EASY we have yet to acheive is:
E-7:30am, bf and solids
E-11:30am, bf and solids
E-3:30pm, bf
E-5:30pm, bf and solids
E-7:30pm, bf
A-pj's, diaper change, etc.
We start our nap wind-down 10-15 mins beforehand and close the blinds, turn on the waves (as white noise), sit upright in chair and read 2 books (usually twice each), sing lullabye once or twice. Then I sit on a stool or in the chair and read until she stands up, repeat, repeat, repeat.
The main reason I am ready to give up is that she is STILL not sleeping through! So basically I am wondering why I am making my life MORE miserable and I am still not seeing results. What on earth am I doing wrong?