Author Topic: Toddlers who make themselves sick!  (Read 4714 times)

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Offline helenm1967

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Toddlers who make themselves sick!
« on: February 20, 2006, 20:39:33 pm »
Hi All
I am wondering if anyone has any useful advice.  My 14 month old girl has always been quite emotional but recently has become incredibly clingy with me.  She freaks out if I leave the room, gets jealous when I cuddle or show any affection to my 3 year old son, is beside herself if I tell her off...generally she's so touchy.  She has just become very difficult to settle at night and has started night time waking.  If we leave her to cry for more than 2 minutes she is sick (this starts with a cough and within 3 or 4 seconds she vomits).  If my husband tries to put her to bed she is usually sick on him before they even reach her bedroom door, because she's so anxious at leaving me.  I have taken her to a homeopath who has prescribed ignatia, but a week in and there's no improvement - possibly even a decline, although I do understand that is to be expected.  I am hoping it will now start to work, but am worried, what if it doesn't.  If she doesn't get her way she throws herself on the floor and sobs!  All at only 14 months old!  What happens when she gets to 14!?!  I have heard before of babies being sick if left to cry for extended periods of time, but this is just a couple of minutes.
Any advice gratefully received!

Offline Tonya

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Re: Toddlers who make themselves sick!
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2006, 21:42:10 pm »
I posted about this rather recently too.

Ds (who is now 2 - but this started around a year and a half?) would get himself so worked up he'd vomit.  Almost always a temper tantrum, not fear, but he did vomit a couple of times from being upset over something different.

I was BESIDE myself upset!!!! :'(  We just did our best to handle it very calmly, and tried to get him calmed down as quickly as possible.  Clean up the vomit, give hugs and kisses, and move on.

This sounds like some REALLY intense separation anxiety though.  I honestly don't know what to tell you to do to fix it!! :-\  We just waited it out - this period didn't last too long, thank GOODNESS!!!

I hope you get some better advice!!
Mom to Nathan - "Chunky Butternut", 02/18/04
           Madison - "Princess Pea", 11/29/06

Offline imsmum

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Re: Toddlers who make themselves sick!
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2006, 15:28:33 pm »
We've just gone through some pretty intense separation anxiety.  I found the more I fought it the worse it became.  For about 2 weeks I had to really be there for my dd--I was the only one to be able to put her down, respond to her at night and Heaven forbid if my 5 year old came anywhere near me.   ;)  The reassurance of me being there turned the corner for us although she still occassionally wants mummy instead of daddy.  I think at this age they now realize that not only can they go away from you, you can go away from them.  A couple of weeks of reinforcing that I would be there did the trick for us.  Good luck!