Hi all,
I am the mom of a sweet 4 1/2 month old (GB) who I have been trying to get on the 4 hour EASY schedule for the last 3 weeks. We are in the last transition phase before "the goal" and it is very frustrating because I feel like we are taking steps backwards instead of forward.
For the last week & half, GB has started taking 45 minutes naps and continues to wake up at least once (always at 3am) and sometimes twice a night. Due to a bad back, my husband & I opted out of the Pu/Pd method and have been going in (naps/nightime) when GB's crying elevates and popping the pacifier in along with the shush pat. The only step forward I have noticed is that he settles in 10 mins instead of 30 mins and quickly pops the pacifier out. Many a night, I sit there watching him sleep and try to figure out what is waking him up. GB seems very unsettled in the beginning phase of his sleep. Rolling his head from side to side and sometimes he seems to be having bad dreams, and then jerks awake crying. He also has this uncanny way of waking up exactly at the 45 min nap mark...I can set my watch to it. I am wondering if we missed the bus somewhere by not doing the pu/pd method or maybe we are still in the transition phase.
Any advice or suggestions for a frustrated mom
with a sweet little boy?