Author Topic: Seperation anxiety at 22 months old  (Read 984 times)

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Seperation anxiety at 22 months old
« on: February 26, 2006, 13:29:18 pm »
My 22 month old daughter never went through seperation anxiety.  Maybe a bit when she's sick but nothing like now.  She is constantly calling out to me during the day.  If she's watching tv or playing with her toys, she'll just scream "Mommy, Mom" until I just answer her.  It's like she constantly has to know where I am.  Lately I've been putting her in her crib for naps and bedtime and usually for naps she plays and bedtime she'll lay pretty quiet or babble a bit until she falls asleep...well within the past week or so, she's been whining and screaming for me (not necessarily crying, and if it is a cry it comes and goes and isn't a full out cry)....

Are these signs of seperation anxiety?  If so, what do you do?  I don't want to become a prop with sleeping and for now, I can continue what I'm doing at night (it's not that bad yet) but for naps, I have a strong feeling she's afraid to go to sleep in fear that I won't be there when she wakes up...of course this can all be in my mind, but I think that's it.  Am I best staying in the room until she's asleep?  I am going to institute more cuddling before nap than before....but than do I leave or should I sit in a chair until she's out?  Advice please!!!!!!!!!