Author Topic: Night weaning my toddler...please help!  (Read 1103 times)

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Night weaning my toddler...please help!
« on: February 28, 2006, 19:55:43 pm »
Hi Everyone...I could really use some advice on night weaning a toddler.  My dd is 22 months and I'm at my wits' end from lack of sleep.  She has a lot of trouble teething and wakes more right before one erupts, when it comes through she has a week or so of "only" waking to nurse once before another one is causing her pain.  She is working right now on her last canine and still has all 4 second year molars to go!

I weaned my ds when he was 23 months simply by not nursing him to sleep at nap/night times and he immediately slept through.  Mollie on the other hand DOES NOT nurse to sleep about 90% of the time.  Most of the time I sit w/her while she falls asleep in our bed (that's another issue:  I'd love to get her into her own bed), so I doubt that just taking away her before-bed-nursing would make too much of a difference.  Although I'd be willing to try it if anyone has had a similar experience!

I'd also like to move her into her brother's room...should I just do it all at once?

If anyone coud offer me any advice that would be great!  Thank you so much, Tiffany
ps...I also posted this under the other night waking topic, not realizing there was a toddler section!