Author Topic: Change in bedtime as toddler gets older?  (Read 1465 times)

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Offline ~Angie~

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Change in bedtime as toddler gets older?
« on: March 01, 2006, 02:59:24 am »
We have a bedtime question. My son has always gone to sleep with no problems-7:30 to 7:00/7:30. Lately, he is still waking at 7:30, but doesn't seem to want to go to bed until 8:30. I don't think it is a power play issue. I really think he isn't very tired. I know that bedtime can't stay at 7:30 for ever, but he still seems too young for a later bedtime. I am wondering when, if you have, did everyone else change their LOs bedtime?
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Re: Change in bedtime as toddler gets older?
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2006, 04:06:04 am »
Does he still have a nap? It could be one of those decisions you have to make - shorter nap, same bedtime, or same length nap, later bedtime. If he doesn't have a nap I'd say keep the bedtime as it is.


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Re: Change in bedtime as toddler gets older?
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2006, 13:13:27 pm »
Yes, he does have a nap. He goes down at 12:30 and we get him up at 2:30. He would sleep about three hours if we let him. Last night he kepy getting up and laying by his baby gate. He wasn't playing, just laying there with his loveys. We finally got tired of putting him back in bed and left him there for about 20 minutes and he fell asleep. About 12:30am he woke us up crying at his baby gate. I tried to console him, but he kept asking for daddy. My DH held him and he stopped crying and kept saying "daddy noise". We think maybe he had a nightmare. We are wondering if maybe not wanting to sleep is realted to him having nightmares. I think they start around this time.
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Re: Change in bedtime as toddler gets older?
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2006, 00:07:49 am »
In the evening, you could always try watching him and put him to bed whne he seems sleepy, not be the clock. AT the end of the week you could see the average time he went to bed and make that bedtime.

SOrry can't help you with the nightmare thing - does he have a blankie or special toy? I also just replied to another post about nightmares. My son has recently been telling us he's scared of the dark so we've been keeping a very dim light on and playing music in his room.

Offline ~Angie~

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Re: Change in bedtime as toddler gets older?
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2006, 04:08:57 am »
He has a blankie and two special toys.  :D I'll try watching him for a few days and see if we need to adjust bedtime. I'll be glad for the days when he can just tell me he's not sleepy or he had a bad dream. Instead of playing the guessing game.  :)
Thanks for your replys.
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