For the past few weeks, my lo (7.5 months) has become an unbelievably efficient nurser... makes me wonder if a lot of it was for comfort before.
Anyway, I agree with what the other mamas said. I feed solids after one hour of nursing. But he is on a 4 hour EASY. So he nurses 3 hours after he ate, ensuring he will take a full nursing feed.
I do 3 meals a day, but I have to admit that you have your lo on finger foods. I would think that you can up it to 3 meals a day.
This is what our feeding looks like, just so you have an idea. but each lo is different, but you could use it as a rough guide.
8 BF
9 Cereal 1/2 cup
12 BF
1 3 cubes of veg/1 cube of fruit
4 BF
5 2 cubes veg/1 cube fruit/cereal
Your local health authorities likely have a guide for feeding that is recommended for your country as I know each recommend different things.