Hi there!
I need help.... My little one is just 9 months, hes never slept through the night and I am a person that needs lots of sleep! This is having a huge effect on me and at the moment I can hardly think straight to type! So exuse any mistakes!
He is s bottle fed baby, he has 2 7oz bottles a day, refuses to take any more! He is an excellent eater and is on 3 good meals a day and drinks plenty of water, hes a healthy 21lbs and generally a happy (but very strong willed) llittle boy! He only cries when hes tired, hungry or in pain!
We have a good routin apart from the sleeping! He is always rocked to sleep in my arms with a dummy, sometimes we put him down on his side and pat his bottom till hes asleep! (Is this any better than rocking him?) This is for naps and bedtime or sometimes at bedtime he will fall asleep on his bottle. At nap times he rarely sleeps more than 45 minutes, this is if we put him down! If we hold him and rock gently when he stirs he can sleep up to 2 hours. Generally he has 2 naps a day but if we put him down and he wakes after 45 minutes he hasnt had enough sleep so sometimes needs a 3rd sleep which is abit of pain a sit gets late in the day to be sleeping!
At night time after tea/bath/short play he goes down at 7.30 only to wake up an hour or so later! Soemtimes he is easily patted back off other times he gets aggitated and needs to be picked up and rocked off again! He then wakes another 2 times in the night for no apparent reason and can be really grumpy and doesnt seem to want to be awake!? Strange! I have refused to feed him in the night as I know he doesnt need it, if he wont settle after 5am I do give him a bottle. Then hes usually up at 6.30 and by 7.30 hes tired again!
Thing is, I am a nursery nurs and to be truthful I probably know what I need to do! I know when he wakes he needs me to help him back to sleep, I know I should be doing the pu/pd method but it breaks my heart to see him so upset, the max time ive done it for is an hour, and he just cries the entire time! I dont know what im doing though!! Am I allowed to pat him? Isnt this s prop? What do I know coz he continuously stands up in his cot? How long should it take? ow long should I let him cry? And when he finally goes to sleep, if he does, how long will it take before he doesnt cry and just goes to sleep?! I have so many questions, just wish I had some one to chat to to guide me through it. Its effecting me and my family, I need around 9-10 hours of sleep a night and if I dont im grumpy! My boys are suffering not to mention my hubby as im to tired to do anything and im snappy, short tempered need I go on! Please help!!!!
I know this may sound trivial to some of you, its only coz im used to so much sleep, I cant seem to function without it. Even if I could have 8 hours solid id be very happy!
Good luck to you all,
God bless xxxxxxxxxxxxxx