First of all, I wanted to mention to you that whatever routine you come up with is fine. It will be your and your family's personal system, and your ds will adapt to it. It doesn't have to be by the book, it just needs to fit in with your life.
So, it seems that you have a great plan. The only things I would suggest are:
1. since the first sleep of the day is short in the car, I would reccomend putting him down for his first nap even earlier than 10 if he is tired. sleep doesn't always have to be so much time after eat, it should be when baby is tired, and if he's been up since 5:30 and only slept another 45 mins, he might be tired before 10. if not, keep it the way it is
2. if he is taking 1.5 hr naps during the day, that is great!!!!
3. I personally would aim for an earlier bedtime to compensate for the earlier wake time. I believe at his age he might need about 12 hr sleep at night (that is a broad generalization and every baby is different). the df is designed to be given between 10-11 pm. have you been giving a df already? does he sleep through the night? I had to completely wake my dd to feed her (bf at the time), others gently lift baby still mostly asleep and feed (this is probably easier with a bottle). My dd fed and went right back to sleep, and I did it so that she wouldn't wake in the night (which she didn't), and I stopped it around 4 months I think. I don't know if you should start the df now unless he is waking alot during the night, but we could find more help about that if it's something you'd like to try.