Hi there, my DD is just over 6 months old. I am BF and we started solids a few weeks ago. We never have consistent days or nights and I'm not sure if I'm feeding her too much or too little? Here is how a "typical" day goes: wk 530 BF
S until 7am
8am cereal
930/10 nap (takes me 1 hour sometimes to get her to sleep and then she will sleep 20min - 1.5hours)
1130/12 BF
230/3pm nap (fight again for a nap sometimes only 30min - 1hour)
330/4pm BF
430pm Cereal/veggies
Bath at 6pm/630pm
then BF/story/song
sleeps in crib with soother lately she has been getting up at 1030pm/11pm (BF), 1am (soother), 230am (BF), 5am(Soother), 530 (BF)
What am I doing wrong? She is 17lbs 12ounces
HELP me with a schedule. My DH and I want to try to implement a schedule to see if that helps her sleep better. We aren't willing to do the 3day cry it out at this point.
When she BF it is only from 1 side and sometimes only 5min. do you think I need to feed her more?
HELP! Desperate mom to Emma