Before reading about EASY, my baby (12 weeks) & I were basically onto the routine except when it came to the evenings. I was trying to keep her awake from 5pm until about 9pm hoping this would help her sleep longer. My mistake apparently!! I am doing well with the routine up until the cluster feedings, catnaps and dream feeding part. I would appreciate if someone could confirm or explain my misunderstanding of the following:
1-cluster feeding is just like regular feeding where you feed the regular amount (oz & time) but instead of being 3 hours apart it's 2?
2-dream feeding is when you feed your child even if they haven't woken up to be fed so they can make it through the night?
3-with the catnap of 45 minutes, you actually wake your baby??
I have been focusing on getting the routine down before working on having Gaby sleep in her crib and learning how to self-sooth. Currently I use the swing and stroller during the day for her naps. At night we are co-sleepers.