My son still wakes up at 1 (and chatters to himself for half an hour) and at 5 (does the same). I mostly can't hear that anymore, I just sleep through it, because he does it really quietly. We just achieved that by minimizing the stimulation so that he knows it is night-time. That means: No light, no talking, no eye-contact, not too many cuddles, no nappy-change (unless poo) and put her in the cot awake r don't even take her out, depending on what the situation is.
I think it is all about the waking being "worth it" for the baby. She needs reassurance, needs to know that she is not alsone but she doesn't need stimulation.
Nobody sleeps through the night without ever waking up, so babies don't do it either, they just need to learn to tuck themselves in.
If for instance you use cuddling to sleep or nursing to sleep or rocking to sleep she doesn't know how to fall asleep on her own.
She will wake up and chatter and if she is tired she thinks: "I am tired now. I need mommy to make me sleep."
Maybe that is the pattern to break through. I would also aim for NO crying, because crying and creaming really wakes a baby up, I would just slowly take away the stimulation and the help to fall back to sleep.