Author Topic: Daily activity schedule/routine?  (Read 2045 times)

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Daily activity schedule/routine?
« on: February 28, 2006, 00:27:14 am »
Do any of you have a activity schedule or routine for your tots?  For example, do you do arts and crafts in the morning, music in the afternoon?  If so, please share.


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Re: Daily activity schedule/routine?
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2006, 01:42:02 am »
Hi Frankie.. 

Yes, I do have an activity scheduale for Isabella (although I'm flexable) 

at about 8:45am we either color (at the table) We were doing playdo but...  she was eating more than playing  ::)so I took that away yesturday and will try at a later date) or we play in the water.  (that's her favourite activity to do)  She'll push the chair herself over to the sink and get up on it saying "water" (I usually let her have one sink and I do dishes in the other)   

After her snack at 9:30am we either go out to do some errands or we go play outside until lunch.  (lately it's been SOOO cold that we haven't done much so I'll usually put up a material house I have under the couch for her or do other fun stuff with her)

After she eats her lunch she knows that right after she plays by herself for abit while mommy cleans up the kitchen.

In the afternoon when she wakes up from her nap (after we snuggle abit and she has her snack) We go upstairs to play. (she gets to climb the stairs so she loves this)  And upstairs is her room and different toys that she only gets at this time and before her bedtime routine...     Today we stayed downstairs b/c she was having way to much fun playing with a doll playpen (which she was climbing into herself  ::))  I asked her and said said "NO" and kept on playing...    ~~ fair enough...

I guess I went on abit aye....  LOL ;)  sorry

Offline janelle

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Re: Daily activity schedule/routine?
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2006, 04:37:22 am »
We have a daily routine, but likewise it is very flexible and is more so that I have some structure otherwise I find myself doing nothing with dd :-[

After breakfast dd plays by herself for a bit while i wake up get dressed etc
Then we go outside and play for about an hour in the sand pit, or water or go for a walk to the park down the road.
After that we do our outing/activities like swimming lessons, library shopping etc
Lunch and Nap
After lunch I try and do an art and craft activity like paining or colouring or making something
Then it is pretty much whatever happens until tea and bedtime routine!
Liana (6)- 9th January  2004
Liam (4) - 8th March 2006
and my beautiful new bub!

Offline Izzy-B's mommy

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Re: Daily activity schedule/routine?
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2006, 12:09:15 pm »
Janelle... Your daily routine sounds like ours does in the summer   8)

            I miss the summer! :'( 
            I can't wait for the summer to return  :'( :'(
            Enjoy your nice weather  :'( :'( :'(

cold in Canada

Offline Frances

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Re: Daily activity schedule/routine?
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2006, 19:11:00 pm »
Thanks so much.
Ever since my second was born 9 months ago, we haven't had any activity schedule.  I mean eating and sleeping all happens at the same time but beyond that - it is just whatever goes.  Unfortunately, we have all been sick lately and it is sooooo easy to put on videos and PBS.  We don't watch all day, but too much for my liking.  So I need to make a change.

My two year old has always been touchy and lately seems to be longing for a more structured day.  I am hoping to be able to include my 9 month old in my 2 year old's schedule. 

When do you all fit in cleaning, laundry, etc.  Do you have a weekly/daily schedule for that also?  I am going to try a modified Flylady thing.  What do you all do?  Do you include your lo in the housework?  Do they "help"?


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Re: Daily activity schedule/routine?
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2006, 21:09:42 pm »
About the TV Frances.. I think we're all guilty of that one... at least I know I am :-[  ~ I've started to put the music station on the tv and we both enjoy that... 

As for the house work ~  After each meal, Isabella is getting to know that mommy does the dishes and cleans up the kitchen.  Alot of the time I'll let her play in the water and 'help' me do the dishes  ::) 

Launday, When she naps I do it (but, it's in the basement so the noise of the machines  doesn't wake her up),  and I finish up what ever's left when dh gets home from work. 

I do everything else WHEN I can.  I usually clean the bathroom downstairs before I go into work.  I work at 6:30am and everyone's sleeping so I just take afew mintues and get it done.    Floors, I do when she sleeps.  Unless it's upstairs, I do that while she's in the tub (with dh) 

Vaccuming, we do that on a daily basis and she loves this and follows me around to help out... LOL

HTH's abit..  I know I find it hard to get everything done, I can't imagine with two :o

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Re: Daily activity schedule/routine?
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2006, 04:33:05 am »
Hi, I love agendas/schedules etc.  Our day looks something like this:

7:00 wake up, I have two little girls. A 26 month old and an almost 5 month old.
        Alli nurses and Samantha has been watching Dora lately or Seasame Street
7:30 or 8:00 Samantha and I eat breakfast together, then we go into the playroom and read or color
9:00 Alli goes down for a nap and Samantha and I shower. (she plays with toys in the bath while I shower, then as I get ready, she plays in the water.  Samantha gets "ready," then we go outside or DD plays independently while I do some work, she often helps if it is laundry
10:30 or so, Snack and Alli joins us.  We may run an errand.  Samantha gets to do some craft/painting/playdough at this time.
11:00 Alli nurses and Samantha plays independently
11:30 Sam and I eat lunch together
12:00 Nap time for Sam, Alli and I play and I do some house work
1:00  Alli goes down for a nap and I get some ME time, I typically try to get a chore done that I need to be alone for, then I relax
2:00 or so they have both been getting up, I am working on extending Alli's nap time, Samantha could go another 30m- an hour, but Alli wakes up and Sam sees me come in and get her, then she is suddenly up and ready to come with us (they share a room)
We try to get out for a walk, errand, park
3:00 Alli nurses, Sam may watch a program or run around the house (she tends to seem bored around this time of day, and I start to get tired of entertaining)
3:30 playroom or outside toys
4:00 Alli naps and Samantha and I have a snack and clean up around the house
5:00 we make dinner (Samantha has a little kitchen to cook in while I cook, she often "helps" me OR if it has been a rough day she will watch an educational program or a Disney movie) Alli sits in the kitchen with me
5:45 or so Dinner around the table with DH
6:15 -7:00 Daddy time and I clean the kitchen and hang with the family
7:00 Clean up, Bath/nurse for Alli
7:30 bed time

This is of course an ideal day, we are flexible and have been having a banana and cheerios lately on the counter top while I make coffee in the mornings rather than a proper breakfast.  The girls may wake at 6 instead of 7 or Sam may wake at 6 and Alli at 7:30, etc.  But it is really nice and it makes our day a little more special when we have an agenda to follow. 

Oh, on Thursdays Samantha goes over to her grandparents house for 3 hours after her nap.  I come home and put Alli down, then do a quick clean of the house.  Anything I did not get a chance to do within the week I can get done in those 3 hours.  It is amazing what you can get done when you don't have a little "helper" around.  Sometimes I just fold laundry and watch programs that I have  on Tivo.

I love seeing and getting ideas from you all, thanks!
Jana and my Sweet Girls

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Re: Daily activity schedule/routine?
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2006, 07:20:54 am »
I have a 10mo & 2.5yo
7.30 breakfast - then Aiden plays with trains... Liam still eating
Get Liam dressed
8.15 - say goodbye to Dad
Get Aiden dressed
8.30 - music time... usually dance etc
Play with both boys
9.30 Liam nap
My shower... Aiden watches a DVD/ has morning tea/ I put on Laundry
10.30 Liam awake... bf
out - playgroup/park/shops playdate/walk/train ride
12.30 lunch both boys (sometimes this is while on a train ride or at park etc)
1.30pm nap both boys
3.30pm awake bf Liam/snack Aiden
outside play/walk to park/shops/playdate
- now getting dark, watch at DVD before dinner
6.00pm Dinner
6.30 Liam bath (Dad home around now)
7pm Liam bed
Aiden Play with Dad
8pm Aiden Bed
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05